高三英语课文理解 Unit 16 Grade 1-查字典英语网
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高三英语课文理解 Unit 16 Grade 1

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. The smoke from the fire was too thick for them to be able to land on the roof. 火烟太浓,直升飞机无法在楼顶降落。tooto 太以至于不能 如:My brother is too young to dress himself. 弟弟太小了,不会自己穿衣服。这句话还可以用so...that...表达:My brother is so young that he cannot dress himself. 注意不定式前的for:It is too later for him to do anything now.

  2. The fire lasted about four hours before the firefighters could control it. 大火持续了大约4小时,消防人员才将火情控制。注意before的用法:①The teacher asked us some questions before he came to the new lesson. 老师先问了我们几个问题,然后才上新课。②The bell rang before I could finish writing the composition. 我还没有写好作文铃就响了。

  1. Quick, turn the gas off. 快,把煤气关上。掌握几个搭配:Turn the TV off. Its time for bed.该睡觉了,关了电视吧。 Turn on the light. 开灯。Turn it down, please! Its too noisy. 关小一点,太吵了!Turn it up please. I cant hear it clearly. 把声音开大点,我听不清!代词总是放在动词turn和副词之间,而名词即可放在两者中间,也可放在副词后面。

  2. You might get burnt and you might drop the pan of burning oil. 你可能被烧伤,你也可能把起火的油锅扔掉。might 表示假设,本句相当于If you tried to carry the pan out of the kitchen, you might get burnt . get burnt 被烧伤,构成被动语态的助动词一般用be,但有时也可以用get,如: My watch got broken while I was playing basketball. 手表打篮球时摔坏了。He got hurt in the leg when he fell down from the tree. 他从树上掉下来,腿受了伤。

  3. Break the glass to sound the alarm. 将玻璃打破,让火警器报警。sound an alarm / sound a note of danger发出警报/发出危险信号。这里sound是及物动词使发声:The bell is sounded every hour. 那钟每小时响一次。sound还可作不及物动词听起来:That music sounds beautiful. 那音乐优美动听。

  4. Dont go to your room to collect your things, or you may be trapped by the fire. 不要到住室去取自己的东西,否则你可能被火封堵。collect 收集,如:The teacher walked round the classroom to collect exercise books. (收练习本) Electricity fees for this month have not been collected. 本月电费还没有收。

  5. Perhaps it was started by an electrical fire in the ceiling of one of the offices. 也许这是由于其中一个办公室天花板上的电线漏电发出火花引起的。ceiling和roof的区别很简单:ceiling指的是屋内的天花板,而roof指的是屋外的房顶。如:A light is hanging from the ceiling. 天花板上吊着一盏灯。Theres a cat on the roof. 房顶上有一只猫。

  6. He was the first to arrive and the last to leave.他总是到的最早,走的最晚。在本句中,不定式用作定语。


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