高三英语课文理解 Unit 17 Grade 1-查字典英语网
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高三英语课文理解 Unit 17 Grade 1

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. How long will it take you to complete the trip? 你旅行全程需要多长时间?

  表达某人做某事需要多长时间常用It takes sb + time + to do sth. 句型。句中的不定式是真正主语,it 是形式主语。对time提问用how long:

  It will take me two weeks to complete the job. 我需要两星期才能完成这项工作。

  How long did it take you to learn English so well? 你花了几年多长时间把英语学得这么好?

  2. It is hoped that形式主语结构,真正的主语是that引导的名词从句。It is hoped that they will pass the exam tomorrow. 希望他们能通过明天的考试。 It is hoped that more and more people will eat healthy food. 希望越来越多的人饮食健康。

  类似的结构有许多: It is said that(=Somebody says that)据说 It is believed that (People believe that)据信 It is supposed that(People suppose that...)据认为... It is reported that...(Somebody reports that...)据报道...

  3. We are trying to collect money for a wildlife project. 我们正在设法募集资金搞一个野生动物项目。

  collect money 筹集资金:They decided to hold concerts to collect money for the Hope Project. 他们决定举办音乐会为希望工程筹集资金。还可以用raise money:他们靠演出筹集资金:They raised money by performance.

  4. Theres a very important Chinese deer called the milu deer.有一种非常珍贵的中国鹿,叫做麋鹿。deer, sheep, Chinese, Japanese等名词单复数同形。如:one deer, two dear, many deer

  5. Good luck with your trip! 祝你一路顺风(平安)。

  Good luck to sb with sth! 是分手道别时的交际用语。Good luck with your new job. 祝你在新的工作中顺利。明天你朋友要考试了,你可说:Good luck tomorrow in the exam. 我们还可以说Best of luck!

  6. The milu deer is a kind of deer that used to be common in China long ago. 很久以前,麋鹿在中国是一种很普通的鹿。我们已学过,used to do 表示过去经常发生,但现在已不再发生的动作。区分:I used to get up at 5 oclock. 我过去常五点起床。Im used to getting up at 5 oclock. 我习惯了早上5:00起床。

  7. Until recently, the only milu deer alive in the world belonged to the Duke of Bedford in England. 直至最近,世界上只有英国的贝德福德公爵才有这种活鹿。until recently 直到不久前。until / till是介词,宾语是表示时间的名词或副词。She studied here until last year. 她在这儿学习一直到去年。 Until then, no one knew that the kitchen was on fire. 直到那时,没有人知道厨房着火了。

  8. alive 活着,只能做表语。你可以说:The deer is alive. 但你不能说: This is an alive deer. 因为alive不能做定语,不过你可以用live。This is a live deer. 在这儿live读做 [laiv],是形容词。很多以a开始的形容词都只能做表语,如:afraid, alone, asleep, ashamed等。还可做宾语补足语:They caught the monkey alive. 他们活捉了那只猴子。

  9. In fact, there are now so many deer that some are being sent to places which would like to return this kind of deer to the wild. 事实上,这种麋鹿的数量已经很多,以致有些麋鹿正被送往那些愿意把它们放回野外去的地方。wild 形容词野生的,不易驯服的;名词荒野:There are many wild animals in the forests. 森林中有很多野兽。 The village people are planting trees to turn the wild into a beautiful garden. 村民们植树要把荒地变成美丽的花园。

  10. By 1993 the number of milu deer at the centre had grown from 20 to more than 200. 到1993年该中心的麋鹿数量已从20只增加到200多只。

  介词by + 时间意思是截止(时间)为止,谓语动词常用过去完成时:By 1995, Chinas population had grown to 1,200,000,000. 到1995年,中国人口已增长至12亿。By the end of last term they had learned more than 50 English lessons.

  11. Since then the number of milu deer there has greatly increased. 从那时候起,那里的麋鹿数量大大地增加了。 increase可以做及物动词或不及物动词,读做[inkri:s]。旅行可以增加人们对世界的了解:Travel increases ones knowledge of the world. 这些年来人口大大增加了。The population has greatly increased these years. 它还可以做名词用,重音在第一音节,[inkri:s]。人口的增加会引起各种社会问题: The increase of population will cause social problems.

  The life of the milu is being studied there. 在那里正进行着对麋鹿生活习性的研究。

  More milu deer are being moved to a new large nature park in Shishou in Hubei Province. 更多的麋鹿正被迁往湖北石首县一处新的大型自然公园。

  现在进行时的被动语态。它的构成形式是:be (am,is,are) + being + P.P (过去分词),它表示某事/某人此时此刻正在被,主语是动作的承受者。My bike is being repaired at present. 我的自行车目前正在修理。Helicopters are being sent to rescue the trapped people. 正在派直升机去营救被围困的人们。


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