高三英语课文理解 Unit 25 Grade 1-查字典英语网
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高三英语课文理解 Unit 25 Grade 1

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. Would you mind giving a talk today about DNA? 你今天可以作一个关于脱氧核糖核酸的报告吗?

  would you mind + doing 是礼貌提出请求的句型你干某事好吗?。要特别注意它的回答:表示同意用Certainly not或Of course not. 表示不同意,用Im sorry, but 如:--- Would you mind lending your new bicycle to me? --- Certainly not. 当然可以。--- Would you mind waiting for some time? --- Im afraid not, for I have something important to do right now. 恐怕不行,因为我有重要的时马上要做。

  2. If Dr Baker is in the hall, will he please make himself known to me? 如果贝克博士在这个大厅里,请他给我作个自我介绍,好吗?

  make oneself known自我介绍:Here are my friends. Would you make yourself known to them? 这儿都是我的朋友,你愿意向他们作自我介绍吗?掌握其它几个类似结构: make oneself understood使自己被理解; make oneself heard使自己被听到; make oneself seen 使自己被看到。如: Speak louder or you cant make yourself heard. 大声点,否则别人听不到你的声音。The baby always make himself understood by the way of crying. 婴儿总是通过哭来让大人们了解他的需求。

  1. Can you ring up the bus company? 你能给汽车公司打个电话吗?给打电话有几种说法: call sb. (up) on the telephone; telephone sb. /phone sb.; give sb. a phone call; ring sb. up; give sb. a ring

  2. Can I take a message? 要不要留个话?message 常和下列动词搭配:take a message 带口信;give a message 传达口信;leave a message 留口信,如:Would you like to give a message to him? 请你给他捎个口信,好吗?

  3. Dr Baker replied to the invitation, accepting it. 贝克博士答复了请帖,接受了邀请。reply ①不及物动词:Please reply to my question. 请回答我的问题。②及物动词:He replied that he knew nothing about it. 他回答说这件事他一点也不知道。③名词: He made no reply to this question. 对于这个问题他没作回答。

  4. He decided to attend the meeting though he was still a bit surprised. 他还是决定出席这个会议。attend 表示参与、参加, 和 join / take part in 的区别: join: 加入到某一组织、团体或人群中去,成为其中的一员:join the club 加入俱乐部; take part in: 指参加某一活动: take part in the discussion 参加讨论; attend: 参加或出席会议、聚会、讲座,上课: attend a meeting 参加会议; attend the concert 出席音乐会; attend the lecture听讲座。

  5. He wondered why they had invited him. 他纳闷的是,他们为什么邀请他。掌握动词wonder 的两个意思①自问ask oneself:I wonder who he is. 我不知道他是谁。常用来表示请求 I wonder if you could give me a hand? 请问你是否可以帮我一个忙。②惊奇:I wondered to hear her voice in the next room. 我听到隔壁她的声音,十分惊讶。We wonder at the fact that you werent killed. 你竟未遇难,令人惊奇。wonder也可作名词: the wonders of modern medicine 现代医学奇迹 No wonder you were late! 难怪你来晚了!

  6. I hope very much that he will be able to give a talk on a different subject. 我非常希望他能就另一个不同的课题作个报告。give a talk on 作关于的报告:The doctor gave a talk on family health. 那位医生作了关于家庭保健方面的报告。

  7. Everybody knows that youre an expert on the subject. 大家都知道你是这一课题方面的专家。an expert on 是的专家;an expert in/at 表示擅长某技能:His father is an expert on foreign affairs. 他是一个国际事务专家。He is an expert at medicine. 他精通医学。

  8. The organizer had put Dr P Bakers name on the list of speakers, but when the invitation list was being done, someone had made a careless mistake and had written Dr D Baker instead. 组织者曾将P?贝克博士的名字列入演讲人的名单,但是,在开列请名单时,有人粗心大意弄错了,写成了D?贝克博士。副词instead(替代)常位于句末,汉译时不译出,如:Today we wont have rice for supper; well take noodles instead. 今天晚餐我们不吃米饭,而吃面条。

  9. Im doing research in ENT at Lincoln College in Tennessee. 我正在田纳西州林肯学院从事耳鼻喉方面的研究。do research in/on 从事研究工作:He has done a lot of research on that subject. 他对那个课题进行了大量的研究。

  10. But Dr Lively was going to talk on that very subject today. 而莱芙莉博士今天要谈的正是这个题目。这句中的very 是形容词,就是、正是,表示强调: This is the very thing I want. 这正是我想要的东西。He is the very man Im looking for. 他正是我要找的人。


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