7B Unit 1 Dream homes教学设计-查字典英语网
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7B Unit 1 Dream homes教学设计

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  7BUnit 1 Dream homes设计

  The first period

  Comic strip and Welcome to the unit

  I.Teaching aims and demands:




  II.Teaching importances and difficulties:

  1. 认识不同国家及其首都的英语表达方式。

  2.一些词组和句型:would you like to ?Id like to

  Which is your favourite ?

  The capital ofis

  III.Teaching steps:

  Step 1 Free talk

  1. Revise some sentences useWould you like to ?Yes, Id like to. Which is your favourite ? My favourite is

  2. Ask and answer in pairs.

  Step 2 Show the aims

  Show the learning aims to the students.

  Step 3 Presentation

  1. Show the students a map of the world and ask:What countries in the world do you know?

  2. Teach the following countries:

  China Japan UK USA France Russia Thailand

  3. Show some places of interest to the students :

  Here are some beautiful pictures.They are some of the most famous places in the world.Do you know where they are?Look at this mountain.What is its name ?What country is it in?

  4. Use the same way to teach the other countries.

  5. Show a picture of Tiananmen sqare and ask :What country is it in?What city is it in?Its in Beijing .Beijing is the capital of China.

  6. Teach the other capitals.

  7. Do the exercises on page 7

  Step 4 Practice


  T:What country is it in?

  S:Its in Japan.

  T:Do you know the capital of Japan?

  S:Yes,The capital of Japan is Tokyo.

  2.Work in pairs.

  Step 5 Presentation

  1.Ask the students :What country would you like to live in?What city would you like to live in?

  2.Teach palace.There are two places here.One is a restaurant and the other is a palace.Look at the two places.Where would youlike to live?

  3.Listen to the tape and answer the question.:Where do you think Eddie would like to live?

  4.Read after the tape together.

  Step 6 Practice

  Work in pairs,then act out the dialogue.

  Step 7 Summary


  Step 8Consolidation

  Do some exercises:

  Unit 1-1




  3 居住在一个宫殿里______________________

  4 在饭店隔壁___________________________

  5 许多餐馆______________________________

  6 最大的一个___________________________


  8 在不同的国家________________________

  9 这些国家的名字_______________________

  10 。。。的首都___________________________

  11 Would you like _____________(live)in a palace?

  12.There are many _____________(restaurant)in Beijing.

  13.Which is your _______________(最喜爱的)festival?

  14.The students are learning about homes in different _______(country).

  15.I like the ___________(big) restaurant in Beijing.

  16.Beijing is the _______________(。。。的首都)of China.


  1.Would you like to live in a palace?

  ______you ______to live in a palace?

  2. Which is your favourite restaurant?

  ________restaurant _______you ________ ________?

  Step 9 Homework

  1. Recite the new words and the text.

  Remember the capitals of the countries.

  The second period


  I.Teaching aims and demands:




  II.Teaching importances and difficulties:

  1. 如何描述家,描述生活方式。


  Around the world ,look out at,chat with,live with ,a wooden house ,over a river ,I climb a ladder to get into my house,Im the second child of my family.It rains a lot.

  III.Teaching steps:

  Step 1 Free talk

  Where would you like to live in?Why do you like it?Whats the capital of the UK?Use these sentences to make a dialogue.

  Work in pairs.

  Step 2 Show the aims

  Show the learning aims to the students.

  Step 3 Presentation

  Teacher says My dream home isnt a flat because it is too small.I wouldnt like to live in a palace because it is too big.I would like to live in a house like this.

  Then show a picture of a wooden house with two floors.Tell the students :look ,here is a beautiful house .It is my dream home.It isnt in abig city.It is in a town and near the sea.When I am free,I can walk on the beach and enjoy the sunshine.It is a wooden house.Do you like my dream home?

  Then ,ask What rooms do I need I my dream home?and teach the new words.

  Step 4 Practice

  Do you live in a flat or in a house?

  What rooms do you have?

  What do you do in each of these rooms?

  Ask and answer in pairs.

  Step 5 Reading

  1. In China,most of us live in tall buildings.What about people in other countries?Do you know about the homes in different countries?Today ,we will read four home pages of four foreign students.They would like to tell us something about their homes.Now,please read their home pages.What are their names?

  2. Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

  Stephen :Where is he from?Which is his favourite place?


  Where does he chat with friends?

  3. Analyze the language points.

  4. Use the same way to read Madees.

  Madee:Where does he live?Where is her house?

  Who lives with her in her house?

  Step 6 Summary

  Step 7 Consolidation



  3做游戏__________________4看漫画书_____________ 5和朋友们交谈___________6坐在地板上_______________

  7向外看海滩___________ 8一个小镇______________ 9和我的家人居住在一起________10 在一个木屋里______

  11 到达我的房子里__________12 我家的第二个孩子_____

  13 漂亮而安静___________ 14 雨水多___________


  1.It has 12 rooms .

  ______ _______ 12 rooms ____ _____.

  2.My favourite place is the balcony.

  _______ ________ the balcony _________.

  3.Id like to have a wooden bed.

  Id like to have a bed _______ __________ _______.

  4.My family and I live in a wooden house.

  I live ______ ______ _______ in a wooden house.

  5.I climb a ladder to get into my house.

  I ________ _________my house _____ a ladder.

  Step 8 Homework

  1.Recite the new words and the text.

  2.Retell the home pages of the two students.

  The third period


  I.Teaching aims and demands:

  1. 了解不同国家居住环境的情况。



  II.Teaching importances and difficulties:

  1. 如何描述家,描述生活方式。


  sit in the kitchen,make dinner,in the evenings,on the fifth of June,sleep in the garden,in the centre of Moscow ,in a flat ,on a busy street ,on the seventh floor ,share with..listen to music ,

  be friendly to sb.

  III.Teaching steps:

  Step 1 Revision

  1.Fill in the blanks.

  Stephen is a boy from _________.He lives in a ______ house near the ________.There are 12 rooms in his house.The ____is his favourite place because he can play games,read comics and ______ ________ friends there.He often sits on the _______and looks ______ ______ the beach.His friends like to chat with him in his ________ _________.

  Madee lives in a small ________in Thailand.She has a _______family.Many people live ________her in a _______ house _____ a river.She is the _________child of the family.Everyday she needs to _______ a ladder to _____into the house.Madees home town is a _________ and ________ place.And ,there is lots of _______.

  2.Talk about their own homes .

  Step 2 Show the aims

  Show the learning aims to the students.

  Step 3 Presentation

  1.Yesterday we learnt the home pages of the two students,today well learn the next two students:Neils and Annas.

  2.First ,listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

  Where is neil from?What is his favourite room ?What does his mother do in his favourite room?

  1. Read after the tape.

  2. Analyze the language points.

  3. Read it again and try to retell it.

  4. Use the same way to read Annas.

  Step 4 Practice

  Students read the text again and then ask and answer in pairs.

  Step 5 Summary

  Step 6 Consolidation




  5 睡在花园里__________6在六月的第五天_____________



  11和我的妹妹分享一个卧室 __________________________


  1.I live in the centre of Moscow.

  I live _______ ______ _______ _______Moscow.

  2.I share a bedroom with my sister .

  I live in a bedroom_________my sister.

  My sister and I live in _____ _______ room.


  1.Its birthday os on the ________(five)of June.

  2.Our neighbours are very __________(friend)to us.

  3.Im reading while my brother ______________(watch)TV.

  Step 7 Homework

  1.Recite the new words and the text.

  2.Retell the home pages of the two students.

  The fourth period

  Reading (3)

  I.Teaching aims and demands:

  1. 能够复述课文。

  2. 学会描述自己的家。


  II.Teaching importances and difficulties:

  1. 学会描述自己的家。


  III.Teaching steps:

  Step 1 Revision

  1.Fill in the blanks.

  Neil lives in a small town _______ London His favourite room is the _________.His mother ______ ______ there.In the _______,Neil and his family always _______ ________.in the ________ room.His dog sleeps in the _______.

  Anna lives with her family in a ________on a ________ street in the _______ of Moscow.Her home is not big so she has to _______a bedroom _______ her sister.______ dinner,they like to play games and chat there .Anna is very _________and the _____are _______.

  2.Free talk. Talk about your own home.

  Useful expressions:Where do you live?

  Do you have your own bedroom?

  I live in a flat in

  My favourite room is

  Our flat is in a noisy/quiet area.

  I do my homework in the dining room.

  3.Revise some useful phrases.

  Step 2 Show the aims

  1. Finish Reading Part B and C

  2. Describe your own home.

  Step 3 Presentation

  1.Show some pictures in Part B1 and revise the new words. 2.Revise the text and do PartB2 、C1 and C2

  Step 4 Practice

  1. Revise the text again and then try to retell the text

  2. Describe our own home.

  Step 5 Consolidation

  Do some exercises :

  1.超过十个房间 ______________2.在阳台上_____________



  Step 6 Homework

  1.Recite the new words and the phrases.

  2.write an article about your own home.

  The fifth period

  I.Teaching aims and demands:



  II.Teaching importances and difficulties:


  III.Teaching steps:

  Step 1 Revision

  1. Revise some phrases and expressions

  2. Revise the text .

  3. Describe your own home .

  4. Ask some students to introduce .

  Step 2 Show the aims


  Step 3 Presentation

  1.Show a picture of a bedroom.and say What can you see in it?Then teach bedside table 、bookcase and lamp.

  2.Show a picture of a kitchen.Then ask Where dos Neils mother put the vegetables and meat?She puts them in the fridge.Where does she put the bowls and plates?She puts them in the cupboard.Teach fridge and cupboard.

  3.Show a picture of a sitting room.Then say What can you see in the sitting room?And teach armchair、sofa and coffee table.

  4.Show a picture of a bathroom.Then ask What can we usually see in a bathroom?And teach bath、toilet、sink and shower.

  5.Read all the new words together.

  Step 4 Practice

  Do PartAand B

  Step 5 Games

  1. Four students in a group .

  2. One say :I have a bed in my bedroom and The next say :She has a bed in her bedroom and I have a lamp in my bedroom and so on .

  Step 6 Consolidation

  Do some exercises:

  1.The c________ of Japan is Tokyo.

  2.There is a w_________ house over the river.

  3.There are m__________ of people in the street. It is very lively.

  4. The _________(十二) lesson is e________ than the _________(二十) lesson.

  5. He is f__________ to us. We all like him.

  6. Tom lives two floors _________ (在上面) me. I live two floors b_______ Tom.

  7 .There is a boy l________ in bed. He is reading a story book.

  8 .How many ________ (书架) are there in the library?

  9 .There is a ________(起居室),two_____(客厅)and three b________ in my flat.

  10 .Can you take a m________ for me?

  Step 7 Homework

  1. Recite the new words and phrases .

  Finish the exercises.

  The sixth period


  I.Teaching aims and demands:



  II.Teaching importances and difficulties:

  1. 正确运用方位介词表达事物的位置。

  2. 区分above,over,on的用法。

  III.Teaching steps:

  Step 1 Revision

  1. Revise some prepositions that we have learned.

  2. Revise some phrasesabout prepositions

  Step 2 Show the aims


  Step 3 Presentation

  1.Show a picture of page 13PartA,then say Here is a picture of Daniels classroom.What is in the classroom?Where is it?

  2.Use these sentences to ask and answer in pairs.

  3.Teach the new words and the phrases.

  4.区别above ,over,under,below的用法 。

  5.Do some execises of PartA Kates bedroom.

  Step 4 Practice

  1. Use Where sItsto make up some sentences about prepositions.

  2. Ask and answer in pairs.

  Step 5 Summary

  1.总结介词的用法。2.区分above ,over,under,below的用法 。

  Step 6 Consolidation





  ( )1.Look!There are some birds _____that tree.

  A.on , B.in C.above

  ( )2.There are many apples ______the tree.

  A.on B.in C.above

  ( )3.Our school is ______a hospital.

  A.at the front of B.in the front of C.in front of

  ( )4.There is a tall tree ____the two buildings

  A.over B.between C.among

  ( )5.He is taller than I.He sits _____me.

  A.in front of B.behind C.at the back of

  ( )6.When did your father arrive _____Shanghai?

  A.at B.in C.to

  Step 7 Homework

  1. Recite the new words. 2.Recite the dialogue.

  The seventh period

  Grammar (B)

  I.Teaching aims and demands:



  II.Teaching importances and difficulties:

  1. 会读会写数量大的基数词。

  2. 注意hundred ,thousand,million 的用法。

  III.Teaching steps:

  Step 1 Revision

  1. Sing the number song .

  2. Recite some numbers.

  Step 2 Show the aims



  3.注意hundred ,thousand ,million的用法。

  Step 3 Presentation

  1. 向学生介绍基数词的用法。

  2. TTeach the new words.

  3. 正确朗读基数词,并注意hundred ,thousand ,million 的用法

  Step 4 Practice

  Do some exercises:part B1 B2 B3

  Step 5 Summary


  2.总结hundred ,thousand ,million 的用法

  Step 6 Consolidation



  3数百的_______________ 4数百万的______________



  1.We should ______ ______ _____ ______ our classroom.(按顺序打扫)

  2.We plant ______ ______ trees.(数百万的)

  3.______ ______ ______,he came to China.(在他四十岁时)

  4.Neil ______Simon _______some money.(向。。。要)

  Step 7 Homework

  1.Recite the cardinal numbers.

  2.Finish some exercises.

  7B Unit One Dream homes

  Periods7.Integrated skills and Study skills

  Teaching aims and demands:

  New words: bathroom, mirror , afraid , still, message

  Key points: be different from May I speak to, please?

  Whos calling? Can I take a message?

  Teaching methods: task-based approach

  Teaching task:

  1.To recognize words about homes, to identify items related to homes, to under

  -stand the location of rooms and furniture, to identify specific information about furniture items and to show understanding of relevant information by completing an e-mail

  2.To develop grammar learning strategies and to use a recording system to help memorize grammatical structures.

  Teaching aids: tape recorder, tapes, slide projector, slides

  Teaching procedures:

  Ⅰ. Warm-up

  Ask the student on duty to give a free talk.

  Integrated skills

  Ⅱ.At home in Britain

  Ask the Ss to study the pictures in Part 1carefully. Encourage them to ask questions about the pictures. e.g. Where do Neil and his family watch TV? Where do you think the house is? Listen to the tape, and ask the Ss to order the pictures. Check the answers with the whole class. xkb1.com

  Listen to the recording again. Do the T or F exercises.

  1. Neil and his family dont sit in the kitchen.

  2. There is a garden behind the kitchen.

  3. There is a large table in the dining room.

  4. Neils family watches TV in the dinging room.

  5. The bathroom is new.

  6. There is a lamp and some posters in Neils bedroom.

  Ask students to read the words in the box in Part A2 and use them to label the things in the pictures in Part A1.

  In pair, students check their answers. Ask them to label as many of the other things as they can in the pictures.

  Ask students to read Amys e-mail in PartA3 to obtain general understanding. Check their choice of words. Students take turns to read the completed e-mail to the class.

  Ⅲ. Speak up

  Listen to the tape recording and read after it.

  Ask the Ss to work in pairs to make up new conversation for leaving a message with Neils mother using the conversation in Part B as a model. Ask a few pairs to present their conversations to the class.

  Ⅶ. Study skills ( Making a grammar pattern book)

  Take students through the two patterns at the top of the page.

  Ask students toe Part A using the two grammar patterns. Encourage them to use a different colour for each part of speech .

  Ask students to write the two patterns on separate pages in a notebook.

  Language points:

  1.Its really different from the flats in Beijing.

  be different from

  e.g. Your pen is different from mine.

  City life is very different from Country life.

  different(adj.) difference(n.)

  the difference betweenand

  e.g. There are many differences between English and Chinese Names.

  2. Whos calling/speaking/that? (打电话用语)请问你是谁?

  我是用This is e.g. This is Jack speaking. Is that .speaking?你是某某某吗?

  3. Can I take a message?

  take a message (for sb) leave a message 留口信

  4. Ill ask him to call you back.

  Ⅷ. Sum-up

  Go through the new words and the language points learnt during this lesson.

  Ⅸ. Homework

  1. Review the contents of this lesson.

  2. Do the Exx of the workbook.

  Teaching materials: 7B Unit 1, Main task

  Ⅱ. Teaching objectives:

  A.Language focus:

  1. To get information by using a questionnaire.

  2. To ask and answer questions about each others home.

  B.Ability focus:

  1. To understand the sample article.

  2. To arrange ideas before writing.

  3. To choose suitable words, expressions and structures in writing.

  C.Character building:

  1. To develop team spirit and the ability of communication.

  2. To arouse students imagination and creation.

  Ⅲ. Teaching aids: a computer, a projector and a blackboard

  Ⅳ. Teaching Procedures:

  Step1: Lead-in

  A game.

  Step 2: A survey

  1. Check the homework.

  2. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions.

  3. Interview the student whose home you want to know about.

  4. Talk about your home briefly.

  Step 3: Reading

  1.Listen to Simons dream home and try to say something about it.

  2.Read the passage and try to raise some questions.

  3.Ask and answer questions.

  4.Some important phrases in the text.

  Step 4: Writing

  1.Enjoy some pictures.

  2.Refer to a table and think about your own dream home.

  3.Talk about your own dream home in groups.

  4.Write about your own dream home.

  5.Mark some of the compositions.

  6.The teacher gives some help.

  7.Amend the composition.

  8.Mark some of the compositions.

  9.Some sentences about home.

  Step 5: Homework



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