仁爱版Unit 1 What class are you in Section 学案-查字典英语网
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仁爱版Unit 1 What class are you in Section 学案

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  仁爱版Unit 1 What class are you in? Section 学案


  1、熟悉掌握词汇:eraser, pencil, desk, pen, ruler, book, blackboard,English, in English, an, a, map, spell, can, please, apple, double, toy, car, orange, egg


  (1) Whats this/that in English?

  Its an eraser./Its a map./Its a toy.

  (2) How do you spell it?

  E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser.

  (3) Can you spell it, please?

  Yes. M-A-P, map.

  (4) Thank you./Thanks.

  Thats OK./Youre welcome.

  (5) Is this/that a ruler?

  Yes, it is./No, it isnt.







  1.我100%会读上一节课Section A的单词和课文,并能100%的记住黑体部分单词。

  2.我可以流利的背诵Section A的课文对话。


  1. 课前我会自己拼读以下单词:eraser, pencil, desk, pen, ruler, book, blackboard,English, in English, an, a, map, spell, can, please, apple, double, toy, car, orange, egg.




  学习任务一: 朗读并背诵本课单词

  1.个人自读,记忆单词. 2.小组互相检查读、写情况.


  1._____ 2.______ 3._____ 4._____ 5.________ 6.__________ 7.___________

  8.________ 9.________ 10.________ 11._______ 12._____ 13.________ 14._____

  学习任务二: 练习掌握下面句型.

  Whats this/that in English?

  Its an eraser./Its a map./Its a toy.

  How do you spell it?

  E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser.

  Can you spell it, please?

  Yes. M-A-P, map.

  Thank you./Thanks.

  Thats OK./Youre welcome.

  Is this/that a ruler?

  Yes, it is./No, it isnt.




  4. 我会查阅资料,找到不定冠词a/an的用法差异。

  a用在___________因素前面,如:a pen, a u

  an用_________因素前面,如:an apple, an s.

  学习任务三: 合作交流,学习2b部分


  S: Come here, please. (手里拿的东西不能更换,直到猜对。)

  S: Is this a ruler?(走近时用this。)

  S1: Yes, it is.(展示给学生们看。)

  S: Is that an eraser?(走远时用that。)

  S1: No, it isnt.

  S: Is this a book?

  S1: No, it isnt.

  S: Is this a pen?

  S1: Yes, it is.


  ★this是指示代词,用来指代较近的人或物,意为这,这个,其对应词是that,用于指代较远的人或物,意为那,那个。如:This is a pen.这是一只钢笔。Is that your teacher?那是你的老师吗?

  ★an, a是冠词。a用于以辅音音素开头的名词前,如:a banana。而an用于以元音音素开头的词前,如:an apple, an old man。注意:an并不是放在元音字母前,而是放在元音因素前。如:This is a teacher. He is an old teacher.

  ★Thats OK.在课文中是不用谢之意。与之同义的表达还有You are welcome/My pleasure/Its a pleasure/Not at all/Thats all right等。

  拓展:the apple of ones eye掌上明珠。



  1. 一支钢笔_______________________ 2. 一辆汽车_______________________

  3. 一个橘子_______________________ 4. 一张桌子_______________________

  5. 一本书 _______________________ 6. 一块黑板_______________________

  7. 一个鸡蛋_______________________ 8. 一个苹果_______________________

  9. 一块橡皮_______________________ 10. 一张地图_______________________


  A. B.

  ( )1. How old are you? A. Its an eraser.

  ( )2. Whats this in English? B. M-A-P, map.

  ( )3. How do you spell it? C. You are welcome!

  ( )4. Thank you! D. No, it isnt.

  ( )5. Is that an apple? E. Im eleven.


  1. A: Excuse me, whats ________ in English?

  B: ________ ________a desk.

  A: How do you spell it?

  B: _______________, _______.

  A: Thank you.

  B: _______ ______ ______.

  2. A: _________ __________, whats _______ in English?

  B: _________ __________ eraser.

  A: _________ _________ ___________ __________ , __________?

  B: Yes. E-R-A-S-E-R.

  A: _________.

  B: Thats OK.

  ㈣. 单项选择。

  ( ) 1. Whats that in English?

  Its __________car. Its ____________ orange car.

  A. a; an B. a; a C .an; an

  ( ) 2. This is ___________ English book.

  A. a B. an C. /

  ( ) 3. Is that your______________?

  A. a bike B. bike C. an bike

  ( ) 4. ____________ do you spell orange?

  O-R-A-N-G-E, orange.

  A. What B. How C. Whats

  ( ) 5. Whats this?


  A. Yes, its an egg B. Its an orange C. Its English car

  ( ) 6. Is this your book?


  A. Yes, this is B. Yes, it is C. Yes, she is

  ( ) 7. Whats this __________English?

  Its a pen.

  A. from B. to C. in

  ( ) 8. .Jane is the apple of her Mums eye.

  A. 她妈妈的掌上明珠 B. 她妈妈眼中的苹果 C. 妈妈的眼睛


  1. My uncle is ________ engineer. He works very hard.

  A. the B. a C. an

  2. Mrs Smith has _____ son and a daughter.

  A. a B. an C. the

  3. Meimeis father is teacher in a school.

  A. /B. anC. aD. the

  4. Lucy is _____ good girl. She often helps others.

  A. a B. an C. the D. /

  5. My mother is English teacher in No. 2 Middle School.

  A. a B. the C. an D. /

  6. What can you see on the desk?

   I can see _______ pen.

  A. theB. a C.不填 D. an

  7 Thank you for your help. ------- _____________

  A. Thats all right B. No, thanks

  C. Thats right D. Of course

  8. Nice to meet you.


  A. Fine,thank you. B. How do you do?

  C. Nice to meet you, too. D. The same to you.


  Im fine. Think you.

  A. How are you? B. How old are you?

  C. How do you do? D. Whats your name?

  10.Whats your name?

  --- ____________

  A. Im Li Ming. B. Im fine, C. Today is sunny. D. I like milk.





  【我的不足我改正】我有难记的词和句子吗?我有不会的试题吗?我相信你不会知难而退的,下次我一定不会再次犯错! 相信我!



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