七年级英语上册Unit 2复习学案-查字典英语网
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七年级英语上册Unit 2复习学案

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  七年级英语上册Unit 2复习学案


  1.It is time for breakfast.= it is time to have breakfast. 该到吃早饭的时间啦。

  * 该做某事了。It is time for sth. 或 it is time to do sth.

  * 该到某人做某事的时间了。 It is time for sb to do sth.

  该到我们上课的时间了。 It is time for us to have lessons.


  2.Some dogs just don`t know how to have fun. 一些狗就是不知道怎样取乐。

  (1)、have fun= have a good tine 取乐、玩得开心

  (2)、how to have fun 怎样取乐; when to start 什么时候开始

  What to say 说什么; Where to sit 坐哪儿

  你能告诉我什么时候离开吗? Can you tell me____________________________?

  3.My new classmates are all nice to me .我的新同学对我都很好。

  * be nice to .属于习惯搭配,意为对(待)。。。。好,与be good to 的意思相同。to 是介词,后面一般接表示人的名词或宾格代词。


  *be polite to sb 对某人有礼貌 ; be friendly to sb 对某人友好

  4.I spend about two hours a day doing my homework. 每天,我花费大约两个小时做家作。

  (1)、spend (in) doing sth. 表示花费(多长时间或金钱)做某事。其中介词in常可省略。另外,spend on sth.表示在某一事物、某一方面花费时间或金钱。

  (2)、他每天花半个小时看电视。He spends half an hour (in) watching TV.

  我每天花10元钱买食物。I spend ten yuan on the food every day.

  5.Millie goes to the Reading Club twice a week. 米莉一个星期去读书俱乐部两次。

  * the Reading Swimming Dancing Club

  *Millie goes to the Reading Club twice a week. (划线部分提问)

  How often does Millie go to the Reading Club ?米莉隔多久去一次读书俱乐部?

  *twice a week一周两次;once a week一周一次;three times a week一周三次

  6.You shouldn`t watch too much TV.你不应该看太多的电视。

  (1)、should do sth 应该做某事。 Should not do sth= shouldn`t do sth不应该做某事。

  (2)、too much TV 太多的电视;too much money太多的钱。Too much 意为太多,后接不可数名词或修饰动词。

  *不要喝太多的酒。Don`t drink too much wine . It`s bad for your health.

  *你说得太多了。You`re talking too much.

  (3)、too many games 太多的游戏; too many people 太多的人;Too many 修饰可数名词。

  (4)、much too (实在)太,用作副词,修饰形容词或副词。

  这幅画实在太美了。The picture is much too beautiful.

  7.she ia a very good swimmer.她是一名很优秀的游泳者。

  Swimmer 是由动词swim双写m加-er构成的名词,表示游泳者。英语中,一些动词词尾后+-er构成一个名词,其含义通常表示做某种动作的人。

  Playplayer; (运功员,选手) ; singsinger(歌唱家)

  Writewriter(作家); drivedriver(司机;驾驶员)

  Teachteacher(老师); runrunner(跑步者)

  Winwinner(获胜者); dancedancer(舞蹈演员)

  还有一些是在动词词尾加-or构成的名词。如:actactor; visitvisitor; invent--inventor


  1.把他喊醒 wake him up wake sb up

  2.取乐 have fun

  3.去睡觉 go to sleep

  4.起床 get up

  5.做早操 do morning exercises

  6.上课 have lessons= have classes

  7.做课外活动 do afer-school activities

  8.回家 go home

  9.彼此聊天 chat with each other

  10.互相帮助 help each other

  11.在午餐时间 at lunchtime

  12.去学校图书馆 go to the school library

  13.每周二和周五 every Tuesday and Friday

  14.和我的朋友练习 practise with my friends

  15.游泳俱乐部的一名成员 a member of the Swimming Club

  16.一个擅长游泳的人 a very good swimmer

  17.玩得开心 have a good time = have fun

  18.发邮件给某人 send an e-mail to sb= e-mail to sb

  19.听收音机 listen to the radio

  20.做模型飞机 make a model plane

  21、看报纸 reak newspapers read a newspaper

  22.写邮件 write mails

  23.打羽毛球 play badminton

  24.听音乐 listen to music

  25.写信 write a letter

  26。看足球比赛 watch football matches

  27.听她的话 listen to her

  29.一周两次 twice a week

  30通过电脑和英特网发邮件给某人 send mails to someone by a computer and internet

  31使用时间做事情 use time to do things

  32.、我最好的朋友 my best friend

  33、坐在树底下 sit under the tree

  34、我所有的新朋友 all my new friends

  35、学校生活 the school life

  36、我最喜爱的功课 my favourite lessons

  37、早饭吃面包 have bread for lunch

  38、去上学 go to school

  39、作家做 做家务 do homework housework

  40、想去睡觉 want to go to sleep

  41、看时间 look at the time

  42、早饭后 after breakfast

  43、告诉你的朋友有关于你的学校生活 tell your friend about your school life


  (2)表示步行还可以用on foot,因此上面的句子也可以这样说:

  Does Amy go home on foot after school? 艾米放学后步行回家吗?

  Walk home=go home on foot(步行回家)

  (a)My father walks to the factory every day.我父亲每天步行去工厂。

  (b)The park is not far from here, lets walk there. 公园离这儿不远,让我们走去吧。

  (3)类似: take a bus to school= go to school by bus = go to school on a bus

  He takes a bus to work = He goes to work by bus.

  Mr Wang takes a bus to work. = Mr Wang goes to work by bus.

  = Mr Wang goes to work on a bus王先生坐公共汽车去上班。

  I ride my bike to go to school.= I go to school by bike我骑自行车去上学。

  (4)Walk 除用做动词外还可以作为名词,意思是散步,步行,常用于以下句型

  have/take a walk 散步 go (out ) for a walk 外出散步

  take him for a walk 带他去散步 take my dog for a dog =walk my dog

  补:take my dog for a dog = walk my dog遛狗

  He always takes his dog for a walk after school.他总是在放学后遛狗。

  He always walks his dog.

  2. Li Guanhua is the newest member of the Huanghe Football Team. 李冠华是黄河足球队的最新的一名队员。*the newest是形容词的最高级形式,表示最新的。再如:the tallest 最高的,the nearest 最近的,the longest 最长的.

  *a member of 意思是的一名成员。如:

  Sandy is a member of the school basketball team.

  =Sandy is in the school basketball team. 桑迪是学校篮球队的成员。

  3.Can I borrow your pen? 我能借你的钢笔用一下吗?

  borrow 的意思是向(某人)借(某物),指借进,后接介词from。若要表示把(某物)借给(某人),则用lend, 后接下来to. 如:

  (a)Can I borrow your bike? (=Can I borrow a bike from you?) 我可以借用一下你的自行车吗?

  (b)?Can I borrow your rubber? 我能借一下你的橡皮吗?

  --Sorry, mine is at home, I cant lend it to you. 对不起,我的在家里,我没法借给你.

  4. I have lots of CDs. 我有许多碟片

  lots of 的意思是 许多,很多. 相当于a lot of, 后面可接可数名词或不可数名词。接可数名词时又相当于many, 接不可数名词时相当于much。如:

  (a) I have a lot of/ lots of/ many good friends at school. 在学校我有许多好朋友。

  (b) There is a lot of/ lots of/ much milk in the glass. 玻璃杯里有许多牛奶。

  5 You look happy.你看起来很开心。

  Look 的意思是看起来,后面接形容词。

  (1)He looks strong.. (2)Mrs Green looks young. (3)The girl looks careful.

  (4)The book looks good看起来好。 注意:Your mother doesnt look well.身体好。

  类似:sound good/great/wonderful

  6 Sports news 体育资讯 sports meeting 运动会 do sports/ do sport 进行运动


  1吃早饭/午饭/晚饭 have breakfast / lunch / dinner

  2带某人散步take sb for a walk

  3带某人去某地take sb to sp

  4把某物带到那里/把某物带回家take sth there / take sth home

  5把某物带在某人身边take sth with sb

  6乘公交去take the bus to ...=go toby bus

  7看一看take a look at=have a look at


  take photos

  9步行回家walk home=go home on foot

  10跑半小时步run for half an hour

  11放风筝fly a kite

  12在我爷爷奶奶家at my grandparents home

  13在饭店吃饭eat in a restaurant

  14写信给某人write to sb=write a letter to sb

  15读有关足球方面的书read books about football

  16为黄河足球队效力play for Huanghe Football Team

  17最新的成员the newest member

  18为我校球队进球score goals for our school team

  19下一届世界杯the next World Cup

  20我的业余爱好是唱歌。My hobby is singing.

  21看上去开心 / 难过 / 漂亮look happy / sad / beautiful

  22在比赛中in the match

  23我最喜欢的足球队员my favourite football player

  24向某人借某物borrow sth from sb

  25如何用英语说某物how to say something in English

  26讲英语 / 汉语speak English / Chinese

  27和某人交谈talk to/with sb

  28谈论某事/某人talk about sth/sb

  29讲故事tell a story

  30叫某人做某事tell sb to do sth

  31告诉某人关于某事tell sb about sth

  32在午餐时间at lunchtime

  33这个问题的答案the answer to this question

  34深褐色dark bown

  35在周末at the weekend / at weekends

  36有许多朋友have lots of / a lot of / many friends

  37和我的家人住在一起live with my family

  38努力学习我的所有功课work hard at all my lessons

  39对某人非常了解know sb very well

  40听起来很棒sound great / nice / wonderful



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