Unit 12 A birthday party教案-查字典英语网
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Unit 12 A birthday party教案

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Content: Unit12 Reading


  Teaching aims and demands:

  1 To learn new words and phrases about Reading

  2 To catch the meaning of this passage

  Key points:

  To catch the meaning of this passage

  Difficult points:

  To learn new words and phrases about Reading

  Teaching aids:

  Some objects; a tape recorder ;some pictures about the birthday party

  Teaching methods:

  1 Task-based teaching approach

  2 Cooperative learning approach

  Teaching procedures:

  StepⅠ Presentation

  1Check the homework.

  2Revision. Revise the dialogue last period.

  Talk about the pictures the students have drawn and learn the new words: Look,this is a wonderful picture.There are lots of things in it,such as--- Look at this one.I think it is very interesting.The boy looks cool---

  Im glad to see your wonderful pictures.I feel very excited.

  3 Look at the pictures on P.64 and talk about them.

  Picture 1.

  T:What can you see on the table in picture 1?

  S: I can see CDs, hair clips---

  T:How does Millie look?

  S:She looks excited.

  Picture 2.

  T:Whats this?---Its a sofa. Where are the girls?

  S:They are in the sofa.

  T: Where are the boys? ---Oh,theyre on the balcony.

  Picture 3.

  T:What birthday presents does Millie get from her friends?

  S:Millies friends have CDs,hair clips,a teddy bear---for her.

  Picture 4.

  T:What is Millie going to so?

  S:Shes going to mak a wish.

  Ⅱ Practice

  1 Read the new words and phrases after the teacher,then try to remember them.

  2 Listen to the tape and put the pictures in the correct order.

  3 Read the text after the tape

  4 Ask some students to read the text

  Ⅲ Production

  1Class work . Read the text and talk about the questions of Part B.

  2 Retell the text according to the words on the blackboard

  3 Try to make sentences with these phrases.

  1 wear a pair of new jeans________

  2 look cool____________________

  3 some of her friends____________

  4 talk about______________

  5 all her friends___________

  6 have a good time_________


  1 Learn the new words and phrases by heart.

  2 Preview Grammar ,Pronunciation and Task.

  a. Read the new words.

  b. Read the pronunciation.

  c. Finish the exercise in Page119 SB.



  Starter Unit12 A Birthday Party

  Total periods: 3

  Unit12 Reading

  Period: 3-2


  一、 用下列词组造句(满分20分,含卷面分2分)

  1 wear a pair of new jeans_______________________________________________________________________

  2 look cool___________________________________________________________________________________

  3 some of her friends___________________________________________________________________________

  4 talk about__________________________________________________________________________________

  5 all her friends_______________________________________________________________________________

  6 have a good time____________________________________________________________________________


  1 have a good time____________________________________

  2 chat with each other ________________________________

  3 a lot of presents____________________________________

  4 在聚会上_________________________________________

  5 分享蛋糕_________________________________________

  6 一部有趣的电影___________________________________



  1 在四月八日___________________________________________

  2 举行一个大的聚会______________________________________

  3 收到许多礼物___________________________________________



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