英文名著精选阅读:《傲慢与偏见》第13章 第2节-查字典英语网
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英文名著精选阅读:《傲慢与偏见》第13章 第2节

发布时间:2011-09-28  编辑:查字典英语网小编

英文名著精选阅读:《傲慢与偏见》第13章 第2节

Jane and Elizabeth attempted to explain to her the nature of anentail. They had often attempted it before, but it was a subject on which Mrs. Bennet was beyond the reach of reason; and she continued to rail bitterly against the cruelty of settling an estate away from a family of five daughters, in favour of a man whom nobody cared anything about.


"It certainly is a mostiniquitousaffair," said Mr. Bennet, "and nothing can clear Mr. Collins from the guilt of inheriting Longbourn. But if you will listen to his letter, you may perhaps be a little softened by his manner of expressing himself."


"No, that I am sure I shall not; and I think it was veryimpertinentof him to write to you at all, and very hypocritical. I hate such false friends. Why could not he keep on quarrelling with you, as his father did before him?"


"Why, indeed, he does seem to have had somefilial scrupleson that head, as you will hear."


"Hunsford, near Westerham, Kent,


15th October.


THE disagreement subsisting between yourself and my late honoured father always gave me much uneasiness, and since I have had the misfortune to lose him I have frequently wished to heal thebreachbut for some time I was kept back by my own doubts, fearing lest it might seem disrespectful to his memory for me to be on good terms with any one with whom it had always pleased him to beat variance." -- "There, Mrs. Bennet." --


"My mind however is now made up on the subject, for having receivedordinationat Easter,I have been so fortunate as to be distinguished by thepatronageof the Right Honourable Lady Catherine de Bourgh, widow of Sir Lewis de Bourgh, whose bounty and beneficence has preferred me to the valuable rectory of thisparish, where it shall be my earnest endeavour to demean myself with grateful respect towards her Ladyship, and be ever ready to perform those rites and ceremonies which are instituted by the Church of England.


As a clergyman, moreover, I feel it my duty to promote and establish the blessing of peace in all families within the reach of my influence; and on these grounds I flatter myself that my presentoverturesof good-will are highly commendable, and that the circumstance of my being next in the entail of Longbourn estate will be kindly overlooked on your side, and not lead you to reject the offeredolive branch. I cannot be otherwise than concerned at being the means of injuring your amiable daughters, and beg leave to apologise for it, as well as to assure you of myreadinessto make them every possible amends, -- but of thishereafter.


If you should have no objection to receive me into your house, I propose myself the satisfaction of waiting on you and your family, Monday, November 18th, by four o'clock, and shall probablytrespasson your hospitality till the Saturday se'nnight following, which I can do without any inconvenience, as Lady Catherine is far from objecting to my occasional absence on a Sunday, provided that some otherclergymanis engaged to do the duty of the day. I remain, dear sir, with respectful compliments to your lady and daughters, your well-wisher and friend,




1.entail[in'teil] vt. 使必需,使蒙受;限定继承 n. 限定继承权

The house and estate are entailed on the eldest daughter.


2.iniquitous adj. 不正的,不法的,邪恶的

Have you seen this bill? It's iniquitous!

你看见这份帐单了吗? 简直是漫天要价!

3.impertinent adj. 鲁莽的,无礼的,粗鲁的

His remarks were impertinent.


4.filial adj. 子女的,子女应做的,孝顺的

She had done her filial respect to her mother.


5.scruple['skru:pl] n. 顾忌,迟疑 n. 微量 vi. 顾虑

He has absolutely no scruples; he'll do anything to get what he wants.


6.breach n. 裂口,破坏,违背,(浪的)冲击,决裂 vt. 违反,在 ... 上打开缺口,突破 vi. 跃出水面

Your action is a breach of our agreement.


7.at variance 有分歧,不一致,不合

The question of woman suffrage sets them at variance.


8.ordination n. 任命,神职授任

The sacrament or rite of ordination.


9.patronage n. 赞助,光顾,任免权

We thank you for your patronage.


10.parish n. 教区,教区的全体居民,地方行政区,(路易西安那州的)郡

They go to the parish church every week.


11.overture n. 提议,提案,主动表示,序曲 v. 提议,建议

The audience must be in their seats before the overture.


12.olive branch n. 橄榄枝

The olive branch is the emblem of peace.


13.readiness['redinis] n. 准备就绪,预备,敏捷

She shows great readiness to learn.


14.hereafter n. 将来,来世 adv. 此后,将来,来世

Do you believe in the hereafter?


15.trespass n. 非法侵入,罪过,[法]侵害诉讼 v. 非法侵入,侵害,冒犯

Are you familiar with the laws relating to trespass?


16.clergyman n. 牧师,教士,神职人员

This clergyman is respected by all the villagers.


1.They had often attempted it before, but it was a subject on which Mrs. Bennet was beyond the reach of reason; and she continued to rail bitterly against the cruelty of settling an estate away from a family of five daughters, in favour of a man whom nobody cared anything about.

【难句解析】beyond the reach of“在够得着的范围之外;in favour of“有利于;


2.THE disagreement subsisting between yourself and my late honoured father always gave me much uneasiness, and since I have had the misfortune to lose him I have frequently wished to heal the breach; but for some time I was kept back by my own doubts, fearing lest it might seem disrespectful to his memory for me to be on good terms with any one with whom it had always pleased him to be at variance.

【难句解析】late“已故的;heal意思是“使和解,heal the breach意思是“和解不合;keep back“保留,阻止;be on good terms with“与...有交情;




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