牛津英语七年级下册 unit5 教案-查字典英语网
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牛津英语七年级下册 unit5 教案

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  牛津 7B Unit5

  Welcome to the unit


  本课选自《牛津英语》b unit5 welcome to the unit。这一单元的主要内容是学习怎样帮助别人的一些说法.教材以图片的形式呈现出课文的内容,如plant trees,clean up the park,visit the home for the elderly等等。其中elderlycollectability为新词。





  (2)掌握本课中的词组: visit the home for the elderly, help the old man cross the road,give a seat to the old man,clean up the park,plant trees,collect things for the hope project,members of the helping hands club.

  2、技能目标:能听懂并运用句型what can you do in the park/in the school/on the bus/on the road





  2、句型what can you do in the park/in the school/on the bus/on the road?的灵活运用及回答。

  五、 教学设计思路:




  1.t:how times flies! two months has passed. our summer holiday is over. now we come back to school again. welcome to the school! did you have a good time in your summer holiday?

  ss: yes.


  1.t: what did you do in your summer holiday?

  s1: I did my homework.

  t: what did you do in your summer holiday?

  s2: I watched TV.

  3t: what did you do in your summer holiday?

  s3: I went to shanghai.

  t: what about you?

  s4: I swam in the river and saw some films.

  t: what did you do in your summer holiday?

  s5: I played computer games.

  3.t:did you help others in your summer holiday?


  t: what did you do to help others?

  s1: I helped mother cook.

  t: did you help others in your summer holiday?


  s2: I helped my mother clean the house.

  t: did you help others in your summer holiday?


  s3: I helped my little brother with the lessons.

  (三)、looking at some pictures then discuss how to help others:

  1.t:what can you do on the road to help others?

  s1: I can help the old man cross the road.

  T :what can you do on the road to help others?

  s2: I can visit the home for the elderly.

  2.t:what can you do on the bus to help others?

  s1:I can give a seat to the old man .

  t: what can you do on the bus to help others?

  s2:I can help the old man go upstairs.

  t: what can you do on the bus to help others?

  s3:I can give a seat to the woman with a baby.

  3.t:what can you do in the park to help others?

  s1:I can clean up the park .

  t: what can you do in the park to help others?

  s2:I can plant trees. .

  4.t:what can you do in the school to help others?

  s1:I can pick up rubbish.

  .t: what can you do in the school to help others?

  s2:I can clean the school.

  t: what can you do in the school to help others?

  s3:I can help teachers clean the bikes.

  t: what can you do in the school to help others if they want to go to school but they dont have much monkey?

  s1:I can collect things for the hope project.

  5.t: you are great! i think you can be members of the helping hands club.

  6. ss: according to the pictures ,ask and answer in pairs:

  s1: what can you do on the bus//in the park// in the school// on the road to help others?

  s2: I can

  6.ss:ask some pairs to act it out.


  1.t: different people have different abilities. they can do different things to help others .I hope everyone of you can help others when they are in trouble. please show love to others.

  2.ss: read a text about how to help others.


  read and recite the useful expressions.


  what can you do in the park/in the school/on the bus/on the road?

  I can

  help the old man cross the road

  visit the home for the elderly

  give a seat to the old man

  help the old man go upstairs

  give a seat to the woman with a baby

  clean up the park

  plant trees

  pick up rubbish

  collect things for the hope project

  members of the helping hands club

  show love to others




  牛津 7B Unit5 教案

  Title:Unit 5 Can Could

  Teaching Objective: To recognize and understand how to use can and could to express ability in the present and past.

  Teaching Procedure:

  Warm Up:

  Please take out the preview paper and lets check it out.

  Step 1. Please translate the phrases into Chinese.

  1. row a boat

  2. play a kike

  3. play tennis

  4. fly a kite

  5. speak Japanese

  6. play the piano

  7. sing English songs

  8. ride a horse

  Step 2. Please answer the questions.

  1. Can you speak Japanese?

  2. Can you play basketball?

  3. Can you sing English songs?

  4. Can you play the piano?

  5. Can you fly a kite?

  6. Can you ride a horse?

  7. Can you run fast?

  8. Can you cook?

  Step 3.Please read out the reports about the sports your classmates couldnt do last year but can do this year.


  Step 1.We have learn can before and know how to use it to express abilities. Well, lets review the sentence styles in which can is used.


  e.g. He can dance.

  Millie can swim.

  We can sing English songs.

  否定句:sb./sth.+cannot/cant +do

  e.g. He cannot/cant dance.

  Millie cannot/cant swim.

  We cannot/cant sing English songs.

  一般疑问句:Can sb./sth. do?

  e.g. Can he dance?---Yes, he can./No, he cannot/cant.

  Can Millie swim?---Yes, she can./No, she cannot/cant.

  Can we sing English songs?---Yes, we can./No, we cannot/cant.

  Step 2. Now, we know how to use can to express abilities now, but how to express abilities in the past. Generally speaking, we just change can into could.

  Tip: can-could, cannot/cant-couldnt/could not

  e.g. He could dance.

  We couldnt /could not sing English songs.

  Could Millie swim?---Yes, she could./No, she couldnt.

  Step 3. We have know how to use both can and could now. Lets finish the work on the book. And then lets check it out.

  Step 4. Do and check out the review paper.


  1. Finish the preview paper.

  2. Review what have been learned.

  牛津 7B Unit5 教案

  Title: Unit 5 Integrated skills (2) Speak up

  Teaching Objective:

  To develop fluency in using can to exchange information about what people are able to do

  To find out and give information about abilities

  To transfer the conversation model to personal situations

  Teaching Procedure:

  Warm Up:

  A. Listening

  a. Tapescript

  Suzy is good at music. She can play the piano well. She may get a prize in the next music competition.

  In Sports, she has done well in volleyball this term. She practices hard every Monday and Tuesday after school. She can jump high now. I think shi can get into the school tem next year.

  Suzy is a clever girl. She is cheerful and has many friends. She can also organize class activities well.

  b. Listen to the tape for 3 times and finish the Notes.

  c. Check the answer

  d. Fill the blanks in P83 and check

  e. L.P. 1. organize class activities

  2. have a good grade in

  3. get into the school team

  B. Speak out

  a. Listen to the tape

  b. Several pairs of students to act out

  c. L.P. 1. I cant dance at all

  2. be difficult for sb.

  3. No problem.


  Do the exercise and recite the words and phrases

  教案 7B unit5 Reading and vocabulay

  the fourth period

  Aims: 1 Revise some phrases of Reading.

  2 Learn some adjs about characters their opposites.

  Type of lessons: Revision and new

  Teaching ways: in pairs /groups of four

  Teaching tools: A computer

  Teaching keys: phrases and adjs

  Teaching steps:

  Step1: Guide to the new lesson. Show the aims of this lesson.

  Revise the text of reading (describe the story)

  Revise some phrases (while loking at some pictures)

  Step2 Revision (further revise)

  Revise some phases in sentences.

  Step3 Presentations

  Present some pictures

  1 Let students describe his characters

  2 Talk about their opposites (one by one)

  Q:1 what is he like?

  2 Whats the opposites of it?

  Step4 Drills(matches)

  After the students are familiar with the adjs, let them do it.

  Step5 Text (Fill in the blanks)

  1 Show students the text and give them the clear requests

  2 Check their answers. (let two students write answers on the blackboard)

  3 Praise and encourage students

  Step6 Widen the eyes

  Help students to use the languages

  1 Ask students to talk freely with adjs in sentences.

  2 Help them correct the wrong sentences(said by students).

  Step7 Homework

  Revise the adjs and some phrases.

  helpful slow

  careful unhappy

  brave unkind

  polite careless

  quick unhelpful

  happy afraid

  kind ungrateful

  grateful inpolite/rude

  Handwriting on the blackboard:

  Thoughts of myself after teaching:

  Steps are clear. The teacher helps students to learn new knowledge. The lesson makes students interested. Different activities are necessary in revisions and presentations.They help students develop listening and speaking abilities.It can get a good result.

  7B Unit 5 Main task

  Teaching aim:

  1.To adapt language to write descriptions for a specific purpose and audience

  2.To practice writing formal letters

  3.To use persuasive language

  4.To select descriptive and relevant information to suit an audience

  Teaching Model: New

  Teaching Tools: computer(PPT)

  Important and difficult points: How to write a recommendation letter.

  Teaching procedures:

  A An award for Daniel(20)

  1.Remind students of the newspaper article in the reading section about a brave young person.

  2.Elicit ideas from students about people who deserve a recommendation. Make them aware that these may be young people just like themselves.

  3.Help students brainstorm as many ideas as possible for choose a person they wish to write about. Write the suggestions on the board

  4.Ask: What he/she did?

  When he/she did it?

  Include: people you admire

  people who influences you

  the most important person in your life

  their parents, grandparents or family friends

  5.Ask them to explain why they chose the person. This planning stage is very important.

  6.Ask them to plan the things they want to say about their chosen person as outlined in PartB1.

  7.When you are satisfied that students have collect plenty of useful ideas, ask students to look at PartA on Page85 again and to do the task as set out.

  8.Review the layout of the letter. Explain the different parts of a formal letter as listed in the box. Check answers.

  Some phrases: get information from, look after, lose ones way to, play with, hear from, look forward to, stay with, be kind

  9.Read the letter to the class.

  B writing a recommendation letter(15)

  1.Sample writing

  2.It is important that they check spelling, sentence construction and layout. Encourage them to help each other.

  Emphasize the process of writing: drafting, editing and final written presentation.

  3.Get Ss to write a recommendation letter.

  4.Choose some letters written by students to Ss. Then check their letters.

  Homework: Get Ss to write their recommendation letter in their exercises.

  Bb Design: (Look at PPT)


  7B Unit 5 Abilities

  Speak up Study skills

  Teaching aims: 1. Learn to write a profile.

  2. Learn to talk about what you can and cannot do.

  Teaching Model: New

  Teaching Tools: Tape, computer(PPT)

  Important and difficult points: Teach students how to use Sandy and Millies conversation to make a similar dialogue, especially the use of model verbs can/cant.

  Step1 Revision (8)

  1 Translate some phrases.

  2 Do T/F exercises according to Suzys report card

  3 Ask and answer questions according to the passage

  Step 2 Speaking ( Part B )(18)

  1. Make simple dialogue according to the picture in PPT.

  2 (1) Listen and answer

  Can Millie dance ?

  What about Sandy ?

  What can Sandy do ?

  (2) Listen and read

  (3) Read in pairs

  (4) Make similar dialogues and act out their own dialogues .

  Step3 Learn how to make a learning record .(15)

  1. Have a discussion about what students learned in this unit.

  Eg: What did you study ? How to improve it ? Can you do it now ?etc.

  2. Explain the context of this section and the need to keep learning records .

  3. Ask students to look at the headings in the sample record in Part A . Elicit comments from students about the sample record .

  4. Ask students to use the chart to make their own learning record .

  5. Encourage students to make comments about how they feel or felt about the different tasks .

  Homework: Try to remember the phrases and the dialogue in Speak up.

  Bb design:( Look at PPT)

  教学后记:本节课要顺利完成任务,必须控制好一开始的复习时间,以便让学生有充足的时间操练Speak up 的对话。在上Speak up 时我给出的是由浅到深的操练句型,所以学生学起来感觉还好,但是在教Study skills时由于学生平时对自己的学习很少作这样的反思,学生一开始对此不太感兴趣,随着学习的深入,学生的态度有所改变,教学效果较好。

  教案 7B unit5 Grammar 1

  the fifth period

  Aims: 1 Learn can/could to show ones abilities.

  2 Learn can/could to show possibilities.

  3 Learn to change sentences with can/ could cant /couldnt

  Type of lessons: New

  Teaching tools: A computer

  Teaching ways: in pairs /groups of four

  Teaching keys: Tense sentence changes

  Teaching steps:

  Step1 Show aims and functions.

  Tell students what we should learn in class.

  Tell students to pay attention to can, could.

  Step2 presentations

  Show presentations to the students.

  1 First ,show a model to students. (row a boat)

  2 Then,let students copy to make sentences.

  (ride a bike,play badminton, fly a kite, swim)

  3 Let students talk in pairs using their examples.

  Step3 Further practise

  What can they do? / What couldnt they do?

  1 Look at the table and talk about the peoples abilities.

  Pay attention to the past tense and present tense.

  (one by one )

  2 Talk with his partnerabout the table.

  Step4 Chang sentences.

  Qs:1 Can Simon ? Yes, he can. No, he cant.

  2 Could Sandy last year? Yes, she could.

  No, she couldnt.

  Looking at slides 11 ,ask students to talk about them with each other.

  Step5 Presentations 2

  Learn can/could to show possibilities.

  1 Show pictures to show possibilities.

  2 Teach some new words.

  (racket, forget, snow,ski)

  3 Practise the new words in drills.

  Step6 Exercises Page 84

  1 Read the sentences and fill in the blanks.

  2 Ask two students to write answers on the blackboard.

  3 Check the answers.

  4 Read the sentences.

  Step7 Talk in class.

  Talk in class------just to widen the students minds.

  Help them practise listening and speaking skills.

  Step8 Homework

  1 Revise some phrases.

  2 Learn to remember the functions of can/could.

  Handwriting on the blackboard:

  row a boat snow the answers to ss




  Thoughts of myself after teaching:

  Teaching steps are clear. students learn new knowledge actively. The lesson is interesting. Different teaching ways are necessary in revisions and presentations.They help students develop listening and speaking abilities.It can have a good result.Pay more attention to the details.



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