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What are you doing

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 21 What are you doing?



  tr: [tr]tree train truck true

  dr: [dr]drive hundred dress drink

  ts/tes: [ts]kites cats its lets

  ds/des: [dz]beds birds friends kids



  make, homework, read, write, sleep, cook, talk, open, close, wear, Sunday, park, toy, lake, clear,


  make the bed 整理床铺

  do homework 作家庭作业

  look for 寻找

  talk with sb. 跟某人交谈

  take photos 照相

  play computer game 玩电脑游戏

  listen to 听

  sing a song 唱歌


  1.What are you doing?

  Im (I am) playing football.

  2.Whats he / she doing?

  He / Shes singing / writing / drawing.

  3.What are they doing?

  They are (Theyre)running.

  4.Am I playing football?

  Yes, you are. / No, you arent.

  5.Are you writing?

  Yes, I am./ No, Im not. (I am not.)

  6.Is he / she / Mary reading a book?

  Yes, he is./ she is. / she is. (Hes/ shes reading.)

  7.Are they cleaning the classroom?

  Yes, they are. / No, they arent.

  8.??Could you come here, please?




  2: 进一步掌握祈使句的用法


  1,The girl is reading a book.

  look, see, watch, read 用法

  (1)①look 表示看、瞧,着重指认真看,强调看的动作,表示有意识地注意看,但不一定看到,以提醒对方注意。,如:

  Look! The children are playing computer games. 瞧!孩子们在玩电脑游戏。

  Look! Whats that over there? 看!那边那个是什么?

  ② 单独使用是不及物动词,如强调看某人/物,其后接介词at,才能带宾语,如:

  Hes looking at me。他正在看着我。


  What can you see in the picture? 你能在图上看到什么?

  Look at the blackboard. What did you see on it? 看黑板!你看到了什么?


  Yesterday we watched a football match on TV. 昨天我们从电视上看了一场足球比赛。


  Lily is reading a new book. 莉莉正在看一本新书。

  2,Hes putting on his clothes.

  put on, wear, in 用法

  put on意为穿上,戴上。主要指穿上这一动作。


  Put on后面接表示服装、鞋帽的名词。

  In 是介词,表示穿着强调状态。在句中可以做定语、标语和状语。


  She wears an old blouse today.她穿着一件旧衬衫。

  Shes wearing a new skirt today. 她今天穿着一件新裙子。

  The students wear school clothes. 学生们穿着校服。

  Its cold outside, put on your coat. 外面冷,穿上你的外衣。

  He puts on his hat and goes out. 他戴上帽子,走了出去。

  The woman in white shirt is Johns mother.穿白色衬衣的那个妇女是John的妈妈。

  3, Are you making dumplings?

  ①make 制作,制造,用原料做成成品;make a car/bread/clothes制造小汽车/面包/衣服

  Marrys mother make the bed everyday. 玛莉的妈妈每天都整理床铺。

  ②make sb. do sth.使、让某人做某事

  Marrys mother make Marry do sports every morning. 玛莉的妈妈让玛莉每天早晨都锻炼身体。

  ③make, do都是做,但意义不同。


  Can you make a sweater? 你会织毛衣吗?

  Do you know how to make a kite? 你知道怎么做风筝吗?

  Dont do it like that. 不要那样做。

  He does his lessons very carefully. 他做功课很仔细。

  4,She is looking for something. 她正在寻找某物。

  look for, find用法

  look for 意为寻找,而find意为找到,发现,前者强调找这一动作,并不注重找的结果,而后者则强调找的结果。例如:

  She cant find her ruler.  她找不到她的尺子啦。

  Tom is looking for his watch,but he cant find. 汤姆正在寻找他的手表,但没能找到。

  5,be sleeping, be asleep用法

  be sleeping 表示动作,意思是正在睡觉

  be asleep 表示状态,意思是睡着了。如:

  ---What are the children doing in the room?

  ---They are sleeping


  The children are asleep now. 现在孩子们睡着了。

  6,clean, clear用法

  两者都可以做形容词。Clean 是干净的意思,与dirty是反义词。Clear不仅包含了clean的意思,更强调了明净的意思,即能透过外面看到里面或深处。如:

  The water is clean. 说明水不脏,很干净。

  The water is clear. 表示我们可以透过水面看到深处或水底。

  注:在一些固定搭配中,如:clear sky 晴空,clear eyes 明亮的眼睛,等的clear不能被clean代替。


  当对某人的请求表示肯定时可用Certainly或Sure等作答,表示否定时用Certainly not或Not at all。等作答。例如:

  A: Could you spare me some football tickets?

  B: Sure/ Certainly. Here you are.



  8. open/turn on

  open指打开门、窗户、书、信笺等物品,反意词是close;turn on指打开电灯,水龙头开关,收音机、电视机等开关,其反意词为turn off。例:

  ① Open the window, please. Its too hot today. 请打开窗户,天太热了

  ② Please turn on the TV. 请打开电视

  【语 法】


  现在进行时表示现在(说话的瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作,也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或先阶段正在进行的动作。其结构是:助动词be(am, is, are) + 动词-ing 构成,助动词am, is, are的选择要根据句中主语的人称或数来决定。为记忆方便,可利用下列口诀:我(I)用am, 你(you) 用are,is用于他(he),她(she),它(it),凡是复数都用are。主语是单数名词或不可数名词时be动词用is,复数名词作主语时用 are。be动词(am, is, are)在此作助动词,本身无词意,和后面实意动词的-ing形式一起构成谓语。动词 + ing在语法上叫作动词的现在分词。

  1, 动词现在分词的构成:


  2, 现在进行时的肯定式,否定式,疑问句及其回答。

  肯定句形式是:主语 + be(am, is, are) + 动词的现在分词+其他。例如:

  ① Im reading English in the classroom. 我正在教室朗读英语。

  ② She is watching TV at her room. 她正在房间里看电视。

  ③ The students are playing ball games on the playground.学生们正在操场上打球。

  否定句形式是:主语+be(am, is, are)+not+动词的现在分词+其他。Not可以和be动词缩写。例如:

  ① Im not writing. Im reading now. 我现在没写,我正在读书。

  ② They arent cleaning the classroom. 他们没在打扫教室。

  疑问句形式是:Be(Am, As, Are)+主语+现在分词+其他?


  ① --- Are you writing a letter now?

  --- Yes, I am. / No, Im not.

  --- 你在写信吗?

  --- 是的,我在写。 /不,我没写。

  ② --- Is Lily watching TV?

  ---- No, she isnt. She is doing her homework.

  --- 莉莉在看电视吗?

  --- 不,她没看。她在做家庭作业。

  ③ ---- Are the children playing football?

  --- Yes, they are. /No, they arent.

  --- 孩子们正在踢足球吗?

  --- 是的,他们在踢。/不,他们没在踢。

  特殊疑问句形式是:特殊疑问词+be+主语+现在分词+其他?回答时,不用Yes, 或No,须作具体回答。例如:

  ① --- What are they doing?

  --- They are swimming.

  --- 他们在做什么?

  --- 他们在游泳。

  ② --- Where are the girls playing?

  --- They are playing in the garden.

  --- 女孩子们在哪儿玩呢?

  --- 她们在花园里玩。

  ③ --- Who is he talking to?

  --- Hes talking to his father.

  --- 他在和谁说话?

  --- 他在和他爸爸说话。



  Open the door, please.


  ① Do型(以行为动词开头的),如:。

  Close the door, please. 关门

  Dont close the door. 别关门

  ② 型(以be开头的)如:。]

  Be quite, please. 请安静

  Dont be late. 别迟到

  ③ 型(以let开头的)如:别让他走。

  Lets go home. 我们回家吧

  Dont let him go. 别让他走!



  1、 We are doing _____.

  A. our homework B. our homeworks C. his homework D. her homeworks

  2、 My brother is doing_______ home work now.

  A. ones B. my C. his D. her

  3、 Lucy is ________ blue sweater today.

  A. putting on B. wearing C. puting on D. wears

  4、 Are the students_______ basketball?

  A. doing B. playing C. play D. watch

  5、 Dont ________ it like this.

  A. throwing B. throw C. reading D. writing

  6、 I_______ the picture, but I cant ______any birds in it.

  A. look, see B. see, look C. look at, see D. see, look at

  7、 There are thirty boys in their class. _______ of them is English.

  A. All B. Some C. The other D. One

  8、 _______ are the students doing? They are playing basketball.

  A. What B. How C. Where D. Who

  9、 ______ like this. Like this? Yes, thats right

  A. Do you jump B. Jump C. You jump D. To jump

  10、Listen, Mary_______ in her room.

  A. sing B. is singing C. sings D. songing



  1. What are you listening? ( )

  2. Could you come here, please? I want to some help. ( )

  3. Look at over there. What are the Young Pioneers doing? ( )

  4. Lily is wearing a blue trousers and a red blouse. ( )

  5. The woman is in white is Miss Gao. ( )


  Miss Gao: Meimei, you look worried, whats wrong?

  Meimei: I cant find the twins. Can you see them?

  Miss Gao: Sorry, I cant. We must find them. What are they wearing today?

  Meimei: Well, Lily is wearing brown trousers and a blouse.

  Miss Gao: Isnt she wearing a sweater?

  Meimei: No sweater. She is wearing a red blouse.

  Miss Gao: What about Lucy? Is she wearing the same clothes?

  Meimei: No,she is wearing green trousers and a yellow sweater.

  Miss Gao: All right! Lets go and find them.

  1. Is Lily wearing blue trousers today?

  No, she ________ _______ ________ trousers today.

  2. What colour is Lilys blouse?

  ________ ________ _______.

  3. Is Lily wearing a sweater today?

  No. She ________ ________ ________ ________.

  4. Whats Lucy wearing? Is she wearing the same clothes?

  No. She ________ ________ ________ clothes.

  5. What colour are Lucys clothes?

  Her trousers ________ ________ and her sweater ________ ________.




  2、主语my mother相当与第三人称he,所以选C.

  3、wear动词穿、戴,强调穿的状态。put on动词穿上,强调穿的动作。In介词,也表示穿、戴,但必须与be动词一起构成谓语动词。这道题应该选B

  4、play basketball打篮球为固定词组。选B


  6、look at强调过程,see强调结果。选C


  8、What疑问代词。 从答语可看出,文具中所缺的是宾语,所以应该选A




  1. listen to是个固定搭配,在一般疑问句中不能省略介词to。改为What are you listening to?

  2. want是及物动词,后可直接跟宾语。改为I want some help。

  3. 在表示看后带宾语时,要用look at;其后不带宾语时就不用介词at。改为Look over there。

  4. trousers本身不能用a来修饰。改为Lily is wearing blue trousers and a red blouse。

  5. in white是个介词短语,意为穿着的,做定语,修饰the woman。其前不能用动词is。改为The woman in white is Miss Gao.


  1.从Lily is wearing brown trousers... 可以看出,应该填:is wearing brown。

  2.从She is wearing a red blouse.判断,应该填:It is red。

  3.从No sweater. She is wearing a red blouse.可以看出,应该填:is wearing a blouse。

  4.从Lily is wearing brown trousers and a blouse.和No, she (Lucy) is wearing green  trousers and a yellow sweater.可以看出,应该填:is wearing different。

  5. are green, is yellow。



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