Unit 3 Family and friends教案-查字典英语网
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Unit 3 Family and friends教案

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1 My family


  tall short old young photo doctor


  1. 特殊疑问句How many?的用法;

  2. 形容词的比较级


  Read and act

  Kitty: How many people are there in your family?

  Alice: Mmseven.

  Kitty: Your mother,your father, your grandfather,

  Alice: Thats right. I also have two older brothers and one younger sister.

  Kitty: There are only five people in my family. Your family is bigger than mine.

  Alice: Thats right. Your family is smaller than mine.


  1. How many people are there in your family? 你家里有多少人?

  ▲这是由how many 构成的特殊疑问句,主要对数词进行提问,后接可数名词复数。如:

  1)How many books do you have?你有多少本书?

  2)How many students are there in your class?你们班有多少学生?

  2. I also have two older brothers and one younger sister。我也有两个哥哥和一个妹妹。

  ▲elder 和older 辨析

  二者均为形容词old的比较形式。elder为年长的,只指人,用来比较年龄长幼,尤指兄弟姐妹的长幼关系,它只能用在名词前作定语,不能用于than 引导的比较状语从句中;older为年龄较大的,较老的或较旧的,可指人,也可指物,也作定语,也可作表语,能用在than引导的比较状语从句中。如:

  1)My elder sister is three years older than I。我的姐姐比我大三岁。2)I have an elder brother。我有一个哥哥(仅有一个哥哥)3)I have an older brother。我有一个年龄更大的哥哥。(不止一个哥哥)

  3. Your family is bigger than mine。 你家人比我家人多。


  1)He is taller than I (am tall)他比我高。2)He runs faster than I (run)。他比我跑的快。

  2 Relatives亲戚




  1 .How many ... have you got ?句型

  2.名词的所有格。如:Alices 爱丽斯的


  Look and learn

  This is Alices family tree. 这是艾丽斯的家谱。

  Look and say

  Ive got two aunts. 我有两个婶婶。

  How many aunts have you got? 你有几个婶婶?

  Ive got two aunts too. 你有几个婶婶?

  Ive got two uncles. 我也有两个。

  How many uncles have you got? 你有几个叔叔?

  Ive only got one uncle . 我只有一个叔叔。


  1. How many aunts have you got? 你有几个婶婶?

  ▲have got表示有,此句是how many引导的特殊疑问句,询问数量,后接可数名词复数,回答用数字,如:-How many apples have you got?你有几个苹果?-Three.三个


  ▲a.名词如要表示与后面名词的所有关系,用名词所有格的形式。表示人的名词的所有格形式常有以下几种情况:1)单数名词所有格在词尾直接加s。如:Marys schoolbag Mary的书包my sisters cat我妹妹的猫

  his fathers coat他父亲的外套2)词尾为s的复数名词的所有格只在词尾加。如:the students books学生们的书the boys game男孩们的游戏the teachers chair老师们的椅子3)不规则名词复数的所有格形式是在词尾加s。如:Womens Day妇女节mens coats男式外套4)用and连接的两个名词的所有格形式。只在后一个名词的词尾加s。如:Tom and Mikes sister Tom和Mike的姐姐(是他们两个人的姐姐)

  Jack and Johns room Jack和John的房间(这个房间是两人共同的)

  b.动物和表示无生命事物的名词的所有格一般不在词尾加s构成,而常常用介词of短语,放在被修饰名词的后面,表示所有关系。如:a map of China一幅中国地图a picture of my school我学校的一张照片the name of her cat她的猫的名字 the door of the,房间的门

  3 Good friends 好朋友


  happy快乐的 angry生气的 helpful有帮助的 both两者都 block大楼 together一起 kind和蔼的share分享


  1. 表示频率的副词usually, always, often等词的用法;

  2.动词不定式to do的用法。


  Look and learn.

  Kitty has a good friend.基蒂有一个好朋友。

  Her name is Alice.她的名字叫艾丽斯。

  They,both eleven years old.他们都11岁。

  They live in the same housing estate,他们住在同一个住宅区,

  but in different blocks.但在不同的单元。

  Kitty lives in Block 1 and Alice lives in Block 3.基蒂住在1号楼,艾丽斯住在3号楼。

  Kitty and Alice usually go to school together.基蒂和艾丽斯经常一起上学。

  Sometimes they like to eat thei:有时他们喜欢一起

  lunch together and share their food.吃午饭并分享食物。

  They always play together after school.他们放学后总是一起玩。

  They are happy to be together,他们在一ilk高兴。

  Answer true/false判断正/误

  1 Alice and Kitty are good friends. 1.艾丽斯和基蒂是好朋友。

  2 Alice and Kitty are both twelve years old. 2.艾丽斯和基蒂都是12岁。

  3 Alice and Kitty live in the same block. 3.艾丽I棒基蒂住在同一个大楼里。

  Alice is my good friend 艾丽斯是我的好朋友。

  She is always helpful. 她总是爱帮助人。

  She is never angry. 她从来不生气。

  Kitty is my good friend. 墓蒂是我的好朋友。

  She is always kind to others. 她总是善待他人。

  She always shares her snacks with me. 她总是和我分享她的小吃。

  Who is your good friend? 你的好朋友是谁?

  Write some sentences about him/her. 写一些关于他/她的句子。


  1.They are both eleven years old.他们都是11岁。


  1)They both like music.他们都喜欢音乐。

  2)They are both very happy.他们都很开心。

  2. They are happy to be together.他们在一起很快乐。


  1) We live a happy life.我们过着幸福的生活。

  2) Im very happy to see you.见到你我非常高兴。

  3) I am so happy that you could visit us.你能来看我们,我真是太高兴了。


  ▲never从来不sometunes有时often经常usually通常 always总是

  4 Grandmas birthday奶奶的生日





  1. when引导的特殊疑问句询问时间;




  Look and say

  When is our grandmas birthday? 我们奶奶的生日是什么时候?

  Its on the fifteenth of April. 在四月十五日。

  Read and act

  Mum: Its an important day tomorrow. 妈妈:明天是个重要的日子。

  Ben: Is it Dragon Boat Festival? 本:是龙舟节吗?

  Mum: No, Ben, its April. Dragon Boat Festival is always in May or June.


  Kitty: Is it Grandmas birthday? 基蒂:是奶奶的生日吗?

  Mum: Youre right, Kitty. 妈妈:是的,基蒂。

  Ben: Oh, yes. Now I remember. 本:哦,是的。现在我想起来了。

  Mum: Lets go to the supermarket to some food for grandmas birthday party.妈妈:为了奶奶的生日聚会,


  Ben and Kitty: Hooray! Lets go!本和基蒂:好呀!我们走!

  Do a survey做个调查

  In groups, find out your classmates birthdays.分组,找出你同学们的生日。

  Sl : When is your birthday? S1:你的生日是什么时候?

  S2: My birthday is on the... of... S2:我的生日是在


  1. When is our grandmas birthday?我们奶奶的生日是什么时候?


  -When do you go to school?你什么时候上学?

  -At 7.在七点钟。





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