Mainly revision-查字典英语网

Mainly revision

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 23 Mainly revision



  1. 语音

  [w] wear, where

  [tu:] too, to

  [] there, their

  [rait] right, write

  [nu] no, know

  [mi:t] meat, meet


  music, boat, lake, into, worried, save, ticket, learn, meeting, bring, foreign, each, difficult, New York, learn from ,each other, have a meeting


  Can I get you something to drink?

  What would you like?

  Could I have a glass of orange juice?

  I like Chinese tea.

  I have some fruit for breakfast, too.

  Where are you from?

  From Beijing.

  Whats your telephone number in New York?

  How big is it?

  Dont worry.

  三. 语法

  (1) 现在进行时的用法。

  (2) 反义词的归纳


  1 Can I get you something to drink?我给你拿点喝的东西好吗?

  Can I get you sth.= Can I get sth. for you

  1)something to drink 意思是一些喝的东西,something是复合不定式,to drink是动词不定式做定语,修饰something等名词,这时的动词不定式要后置。如:

  I have a lot of work to do today. 我今天有很多工作要做。

  2)get意为拿,若表示给某人拿某物时用get sb. sth .get后面可以带两个宾语(即双宾结构),一个指人,另一个指物。如果将指物的宾语放前,指人的宾语前应加介词to,例如:

  Please get me something to eat.


  Mother gets some pieces of bread to me.


  2、----Could I have a glass of orange juice?我喝一杯桔汁好吗?/我能喝杯桔汁吗?

  ----Sure. 当然可以。

  1)这里的Could I have?相当于Id like to have。动词have在这儿表示吃,喝。如果是在商店里, Could I have ... ? 是顾客告诉营业员想要买什么东西时的常用语。例如:

  -Could I have some meat? 有肉吗?

  -Sorry, we dont have any today. 对不起,今天没有了。

  向某人借东西时也可以说 Could I have your?have在这儿表示借用。例如:

  Could I have your bike for a day ?



  A、 be sure of sb/sth 对某人/ 某事有信心,有把握。如:

  Im sure of that. 我对那事很有信心。

  B、 be sure to do sth 一定做,肯定做如:

  She is sure to come to my birthday party. 她一定能来参加我的生日晚会。

  C、 be sure +that + 句子,相信如:

  Were sure that he can win that game. 我们都相信他能赢得那场比赛。

  D、 Im not sure. 我不能肯定。这里的sure表示确信、肯定的意思,在句子中做表语。

  3、I have some meat, three or four eggs and some pieces of bread.




  a cup of tea  一杯茶

  a glass of water  一杯水

  two bottles of orange  两瓶桔汁


  ?a box of cakes     一盒蛋糕 (表示一盒子里有好几块蛋糕。)

  ?three baskets of apples 三筐苹果 (一个筐里不能只有一个苹果)

  2) Or 这里是连接词,连接几个词语。Or的用法总结如下:


  Which is the biggest, the sun, the moon or the earth?



  four or five oranges 四五个桔子。


  You must do it carefully, or youll make a mistake. 你必须认真做,否则你就会出错。


  He doesnt drink or smoke.?

  4、All the other children in the class are Chinese.教室里所有其他的孩子都是中国人。

  They are all Young Pioneers! 他们都是少先队员!

  (1)①all (of)+复数名词/表示复数的代词表示一群人或事物的全部,名词前应该用the these, those , my, our等限定词修饰。All表示的是复数,做主语时,谓语动词应该用复数形式。如:

  All of them are right. 他们全是对的。

  ② all作形容词时意为全部的,所有的,可以用来修饰可数名词和不可数名词,修饰可数名词时,带the, these等表示所指的是特定的人或事物。例如:

  All the students have bikes. 所有的学生都有自行车。

  All these books are mine. 这些书全部都是我的。

  ③all修饰不可数名词时若带有the 则表示所谈的是特定的事物。例如:

  Mother does all the housework. 妈妈每天做全部的家务活。

  Can you drink all the orange juice in the big bottle?



  Ask some other people.

  ②The other为特指,可在句中作主语、宾语或定语,如:

  Now let me show you the other. (宾语)

  He has two sons. One is a worker, the other is a teacher. (主语)



  They can all sing many songs. 他们都能唱很多歌。

  You are all right. 你们都对了。

  They all like English. 他们都喜欢英语。

  5、Do you like any ball games, sir? 先生,你喜欢球类运动吗?



  I like bananas, and John likes oranges. 我喜欢香蕉,约翰喜欢橘子。


  I like singing. 我喜欢唱歌。

  like doing sth. 与like to do sth. 意思相同,但用法有区别。前者强调一般性的爱好或者表示动作的习惯性和经常性;后来表示一次性和偶然性的动作。


  He likes playing football, but he doesnt like to play football with Li Ming.


  (3)表示询问对方对某事物的印象时,用How do you like ... ? 意思是你以为怎么样?例如:

  How do you like the TV play? 你觉得这部电视剧怎么样?

  (4)在表示询问对方喜欢某事物的哪一方面时,可以用What do you like about ... ? 意思是你喜欢的什么?例如:

  -What do you like about the school? 你喜欢这所学校的什么?

  -The teachers. 老师们。


  -What would you like? 你想要什么?

  -Id like a cup of tea. 我想要杯茶。


  Mary is like her mother. 玛丽像她的妈妈.

  6、Where are you from? 你来自哪儿?

  Where be+sb. +from?表示对某人来自和出的询问

  be from 意为从来,是人,和come from同意。故上句可改写成:

  Where do you come from?

  7、One of them is English. 他们中的一个是英国人。

  one of... 意为之一,后跟复数名词或者表示复数概念的人称代词宾格,表示某些人或事物中的一个。如果是名词,该名词前必须用限定词the, these, those, my, our等修饰,表示特定范围中的一个。如:

  One of them is our headmaster. 他们当中的一个是我们的校长。

  One of the boys is English. 其中一个男孩是英国人。

  【语 法】



  动词形式 Am/ Is / Are+动词-ing

  疑问句 Am/ Is / Are +主语+动词-ing

  否定句 主语+Am/ Is / Are +not+动词-ing



  She is opening the door. 她正在开门

  We are working on a form this week. 这礼拜我们在农场干活。

  (3)现在进行时有时可表示在最近按计划或安排要进行的动作,这时句子中的时间短语一般是表示将来的时间短语。(主要用于go, come, stay, leave, start, arrive等动词)


  We are going to Beijing next week. 下星期我们要去北京。

  He is leaving home early tomorrow morning. 明天早晨,他将早些离开家



  (1) 名词或代词类

  this-that these-those father-mother dad-mum man-woman

  (2) 形容词类:

  heavy-light early-late new-old young-old same-different white-black right-wrong big-small good-bad fast-slow open-closed cheap-dear

  (3) 副词类

  no-yes here-there far-near early-late

  (4) 动词类

  stand up-sit down come-go get up- go to bed put on-take off buy-sell borrow-lend close-open find-lose

  (5) 介词类

  in-put into-out of behind-in front of up-down before-after




  1. Can you give one of books to me?

  A B C D

  2. The bedroom is Lucys and Lilys.

  A B C D

  3. Whose is the trousers?

  A B C D

  4. My sister is doing ones homework.

  A B C D

  5. Their name are Lily and Lucy.

  A B C D



  Huimin: Excuse me, Xiaoling, could you help me, please?

  Xiaoling: All right. Im coming. What can I do for you?

  Huimin: I want to do my homework here. But there is a big box on my desk.

  I want you to help me take it down and put it under the bed.

  Xiaoling: Certainly. Oh, dear! Its very heavy. Whats in it?

  Huimin: Some bottles, I think.

  Xiaoling: Whats in the bottles?

  Huimin: Orange, I guess.

  Xiaoling: Is there anything nice to eat?

  Huimin: Sorry! I dont know. Lets open it and see.

  Xiaoling: Ah! Its full of bottles and bags-bags of cakes.

  ( )1. Huimin wants some help.

  ( )2. The box under the desk is very heavy.

  ( )3. There are some oranges in the box.

  ( )4. There isnt anything to eat in the box.

  ( )5. There is something to drink in the box.

  句子改错: of后跟名词复数时,该名词前要用限定词修饰,应改为the books。


  3.B.句中的主语是the trousers,谓语动词应该用复数形式。应改为are。

  4.C.指代主语my sister的作业。应改为her。



  1.从第一句Xiaoling, could you help me, please?得知,Huiming需要帮助。应该填T。

  2.从there is a big box on my desk和Its very heavy.判断。应该填F。


  4.从Its full of bottles and bags-bags of cakes.可以得知,盒子里有蛋糕。应该填F。

  5.从对话-Whats in the bottles?-Orange, I guess.中看出,盒子里有喝的东西。应该填T。



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