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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Words in Book 1

  Class_________ Name_________ Number_______


  pen pencil pencilcase ruler eraser

  head face nose mouth eye

  ear arm red yellow green

  blue purple white cat dog

  duck pig panda rabbit panda

  cake bread hot dog hamburger chicken

  two one seven six five

  three four boy girl teacher

  student my this crayon book

  bag sharpener school hand finger

  leg foot body black orange

  pink brown bird bear elephant

  Coke juice milk water tea

  coffee nine eight ten mouse

  doll boat ball kite balloon

  car friend nice meet goodbye

  too plane squirrel mouse good morning good afternoon French fries


  1. Hello! ___________ Hi! _____________________________

  2. Hello! Im Wu Yifan. Im from China.__________________________

  3. Whats your name?_______________________________________

  4. My names Chen Jie. ______________________________________

  5. I have a pencil. ____________________ Me too._________________

  6. Good morning._______________ Good afternoon._______________

  7. This is Miss White. _____________Nice to meet you. ____________

  8. Where are you from? ____________ Im from America.___________

  9. Lets go to school. __________________ OK.________


10. . How many cakes? ____________________One cake.__________

  11. How are you? ________________Im fine, thank you._____________

  12. Lets paint. _________________ Great.________________________

  13. I like green._________________ Me too. ______________________

  14. I have a rabbit. ___________________________________________

  15. Cool! ________ Super!_________ Great!________ Wow!_________

  16. May I have a look? ___________________Sure. _________________

  17. Here you are. _________Thank you. __________Youre welcome

  18. I like hamburgers._______________ Me too. ___________________

  19. Have some French fries. ____________________________________

  20. Can I have some chicken? ____________________Sure. __________

  21. How old are you? ____________________ Im nine. ____________

  Words in Book 2

  Class________ Name______ Number_______

  boy girl teacher student this meet my friend nice good morning good afternoon goodbye too Im = I am where new back welcome you from America see sorry Mr apple mother

  class we today Miss ant mom

  come in egg father dad man woman grandmother grandma grandfather grandpa sister brother lets=let us really great and how family come on whos=who is that she he fish goose watch ice

  TV wow funny big ice-cream

  eleven twelve thirteen eighteen seventeen

  fifteen sixteen how many can twenty fourteen fly draw picture jump

  nineteen look at beautiful jeep kangaroo key guess open right lion lock night nest peach pear orange watermelon apple banana grape strawberry like some thanks yes please dont=do not very much them taste queen quiet fruit certainly more rainbow animal children so has rain snake tiger taxi


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