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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Words in Book 6Class_____ Name______ Number____do morning exercises eat breakfast

  have English class play sports

  eat dinner climb mountains

  go shopping play the piano

  visit grandparents go hiking

  when evening get up weekend

  at usually noon policeman

  often sometimes about next

  rain either summer fall

  spring winter best fly kites

  season which make s snowman

  skate plant trees sleep always

  why because Halloween Thanksgiving

  play with snow leaf up

  north February March April

  January June July August

  May September October November

  December birthday uncle her

  date cousin first second

  third fourth fifth eighth

  ninth twelfth twentieth send

  e-card able everyone then

  draw pictures cook dinner read a book

  answer the phone listen to music clean the room

  write a letter write an e-mail mom study

  grandpa speak to hold on call

  fly jump walk run swim

  kangaroo sleep climb fight swing

  drink water climber trunk

  take pictures watch insects pick up leaves

  do an experiment catch butterflies

  count insects collect leaves

  write a report play chess

  have a picnic woods ant interesting him leave us over there


Sentences in Book 6

  Class_____ Name______ Number_____

  1. do, when, you, dinner, eat (?)

  2. which, do, season, like, best, you (?)

  3. is, when, birthday, your (?)

  4. what, they, doing, are (?)

  5. he, playing, is, chess (?)

  6. eat, at, I, the, in, evening, dinner, 7:00 (.)

  7. usually, at, I, get, 12:00, up, noon (.)

  8. the, weekend, what, do, on, do, you (?)

  9. visit, I, my, sometimes, grandparents (.)

  10. do, like, why, you, summer (?)

  11. in, swim, I, lake, the, can, because (.)

  12. Bills, is, June, Uncle, birthday, in, too (.)

  13. her, is, in, birthday, June (?)

  14. cooking, is, mom, dinner, the, in, kitchen (.)

  15. in, study, hes, writing, e-mail, an, the (.)

  16. is, she, what, doing (?)

  17. are, climbing, they, trees (.)

  18. eating, the, are, honey, they (?)

  19. are, you, doing, what (?)

  20. winter, I ,best, like (?)

  21.fall, but, my, is, season, favourite (.)

  22. watch, and, go, TV, shopping, I, usually (.)


Sentences in Book 6

  Class____ Name_____ Number____

  1. When do you eat dinner? I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.

  2. When do you get up? I usually get up at 12:00 noon.

  3. What do you do on the weekend?

  4. Usually I watch TV and go shopping. Sometimes I visit my grandparents.

  5. I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking.

  6. Whats your favourite season? Winter.

  7. Which season do you like best? Fall.

  8. Its always sunny and cool.

  9. I can play with snow.

  10. Why do you like spring? Because I can plant trees.

  11. When is your birthday? My birthday is in June.

  12. Is your birthday in June, too? No. My birthday is in December.

  13. Its October 1st, our National Day.

  14. Who has a birthday in October? Me.

  15. Whats the date? Its October 1st.

  16. What are you doing? I an doing the dishes.

  17.What is your father doing? Hes writing an e-mail.

  18. This is Nina. Can I speak to your mom, please?

  19. Please hold on. Theres a call for you.

  20. I see the mother elephant.

  21. What is she doing? She is walking.

  22. What about the baby elephant?

  23. What is it doing? Its running.

  24. What are the elephants doing? Theyre drinking.

  25. What is Mike doing? Hes watching insects.

  26. What are you doing? Im watching my classmates.

  27. Where are they? They are in the woods.

  28. Are they catching butterflies? No, they arent. /Yes, they are.

  29. Where is Zhang Peng? Hes in the woods.

  30. Is he taking pictures? Yes, he is. /No, he isnt.


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