海因里希 施莱曼(Heinrich Schliemann)是通晓十八种语言的天才,又是精明强干的商人。然而,他最为人所知的是对考古的执着和热情。因为向往父亲讲述的神话故事中的古老文明,他怀揣着儿时的梦想,放弃了商业生涯,投身于考古事业,使得荷马史诗中长期被认为是文艺虚构的国度特洛伊、迈锡尼和梯林斯重见天日。
While knowledgeable scholars and gentlemen jeered at the idea of excavating Troy, Heinrich Schliemann brought dedication, enthusiasm, conviction and his considerable fortune to the exploration. Intrigued in Homer s epic, Schliemann, an amateur archaeologist, spent the last decade of his life digging out the palace in his imagination. His hard work led to a great discovery.
A cache of gold and other remains shining in dirt brought to light a lost city and civilization described in myths and legends. The publicity of such a great discovery backfired when the Turkish government sued Schliemann for a share of the gold. So, he had to smuggle the treasure out of Turkey in order to protect the items from corrupt local officials. Also, the groundbreaking finding brought Schliemann condemns from later archaeologists as having destroyed the main layers of the real Troy. However, Schliemann was permanently admirable for his passion and motivation for truth.
从施莱曼的经历中,我们可以看到他对自己梦想的执着,同时我们也应该注意到专业素养和技能的重要性。希望海因里希 施莱曼的经历能对各位考生的SAT写作提供有用素材。
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