As is commonly believed, Heinrich Rudolf Hertz is most renowned for being the first one to conclusively prove the existence of electromagnetic waves. He clarified and expanded the electromagnetic theory of light that had been put forth by James Clerk Maxwell. As a physicist, Hertz maintained a spirit of exploration and insistence, and his story inspires people who intend to pursue contributions in the sphere of science.
众所周知,海因里希 鲁道夫 赫兹因他第一个结论性地证明了电磁波的存在而出名。他阐明并扩张了由詹姆斯 克拉克 麦克斯韦提出的光电磁理论。作为一名物理学家,赫兹始终保持着探索精神和坚持不懈的精神。他的故事不断激励着想在科学领域做出贡献的人们。
At that time, people firmly believed Maxwell s theory of electromagnetism, that is, electromagnetic waves existed and moved at the speed of light, and light itself was just a wave. Though it was popular, the theory was still only a prediction. Encouraged by his mentor, Hertz was to prove it. He made many experiments and finally managed to make a precise wave-detecting apparatus, though he failed multiple times before success. In the experiment, he discovered the electromagnetic wave. In more advanced experiments later on, he measured the velocity of electromagnetic radiation and found it to be the same as the light s velocity. He also showed that the nature of radio waves reflection and refraction was the same as those of light and established beyond any doubt that light is a form of electromagnetic radiation obeying the Maxwell equations.
With his insistence, Hertz was definitely a legend in science. His experiments soon triggered the invention of the wireless telegraph, radio and television.
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