例1, The glee club held a fund-raiser, the basketball team also held a fundraiser.
Improved sentences: The glee club and the basketball team held fundraisers
例2, Kareem opened the door, He invited all of us in.
Improved sentences: Kareem opened the door and invited all of us in.
例3, The most valuable player on the basketball team will give the graduation speech. She is the star of this years musical.
Improved sentences: The most valuable player on the basketball team, who is also the star of this years musical, will give the graduation speech
例4, The wide receiver ran down the field. He caught the winning touchdown pass
Improved sentences: Running down the field, the wide receiver caught the winning pass
例5, The writer wanted to finish his reading. He did not want to be interrupted with questions
Improved sentences: The writer did not want to be interrupted with questions before he finished his reading.
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