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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  abbreviate: to shorten, abridge

  abstinence: the act of refraining from pleasurable activity, e.g., eating or drinking

  adulation: high praise

  adversity: misfortune, an unfavorable turn of events

  aesthetic: pertaining to beauty or the arts

  amicable: friendly, agreeable

  anachronistic: out-of-date, not attributed to the correct historical period

  anecdote: short, usually funny account of an event

  anonymous: nameless, without a disclosed identity

  antagonist: foe, opponent, adversary

  arid: extremely dry or deathly boring

  assiduous: persistent, hard-working

  asylum: sanctuary, shelter, place of refuge

  benevolent: friendly and helpful

  camaraderie: trust, sociability amongst friends

  censure: to criticize harshly

  circuitous: indirect, taking the longest route

  clairvoyant: exceptionally insightful, able to foresee the future

  collaborate: to cooperate, work together

  compassion: sympathy, helpfulness or mercy

  compromise: to settle a dispute by terms agreeable to both sides

  condescending: possessing an attitude of superiority, patronizing

  conditional: depending on a condition, e.g., in a contract

  conformist: person who complies with accepted rules and customs

  congregation: a crowd of people, an assembly

  convergence: the state of separate elements joining or coming together

  deleterious: harmful, destructive, detrimental

  demagogue: leader, rabble-rouser, usually appealing to emotion or prejudice

  digression: the act of turning aside, straying from the main point, esp. in a speech or argument

  diligent: careful and hard-working

  discredit: to harm the reputation of, dishonor or disgrace

  disdain: to regard with scorn or contempt

  divergent: separating, moving in different directions from a particular point

  empathy: identification with the feelings of others

  emulate: to imitate, follow an example

  enervating: weakening, tiring

  enhance: to improve, bring to a greater level of intensity

  ephemeral: momentary, transient, fleeting

  evanescent: quickly fading, short-lived, esp. an image

  exasperation: irritation, frustration

  exemplary: outstanding, an example to others

  extenuating: excusing, lessening the seriousness of guilt or crime, e.g., of mitigating factors

  florid: red-colored, flushed; gaudy, ornate

  fortuitous: happening by luck, fortunate

  frugal: thrifty, cheap

  hackneyed: cliched, worn out by overuse

  haughty: arrogant and condescending

  hedonist: person who pursues pleasure as a goal

  hypothesis: assumption, theory requiring proof

  impetuous: rash, impulsive, acting without thinking

  impute: to attribute an action to particular person or group

  incompatible: opposed in nature, not able to live or work together

  inconsequential: unimportant, trivial

  inevitable: certain, unavoidable

  integrity: decency, honesty, wholeness

  intrepid: fearless, adventurous

  intuitive: instinctive, untaught

  jubilation: joy, celebration, exultation

  lobbyist: person who seeks to influence political events



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