The SAT Essay: The 80:20 Rule
Lets take a scientific approach to the SAT essay. Unlike the mathsection of the SAT, the verbal section is feared by many studentsbecause of the abundance of advanced vocabulary, grammar rules,unpredictable reading genres, and essay prompts.
Students frequently ask:
1. How many SAT words should I memorize?
2. Which books should I read to prepare for the critical reading section?
3. How about dictions and idioms? How many are there?
4. Can I predict possible essay prompts?
5. Can I guarantee at least a double-digit score on my essay?
My responses are:
1. 3,000-5,000, depending on your previous exposure to the SAT
2. Combination of novels, magazines, journals, and textbooks
3. Less than 100 idioms and dictions
4. Absolutely!
5. Absolutely, yes!!
My approach is this: Instead of trying to figure out what promptsand/or passages to expect, why not concentrate on the design of the SATitself in this case the SAT essay so no matter what is thrown atyou, you are not easily surprised and you can calm yourself by having astep-by-step plan already in place.
I came up with the 80:20 Rule. This rule applies not only to theSAT, but also to the ACT, GRE, and GMAT. The concept is simple: Findways to predict and prepare for 80% of the test, and only worry about20% during the test. How? Simple. Again,learn the design, put yourself in the College Boards shoes, and learnthe tricks so you dont fall into the traps. I will give you plenty ofexamples and guidelines, so dont panic!
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