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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  SAT作文素材 Science

  Charles Darwin: Took a long time to make sure his research was immaculate; postulated that organisms best fit to survive live to reproduce, which leads to gradual improvement in the population.

  Vaccination: In 1796, British country doctor Edward Jenner exposed people to cowpox and thereby inoculated them against the far more dangerous smallpox. Exposure to a minor illness prevents a greater one. The term vaccination comes from the Latin Vacca, or cow.

  SAT作文素材 Literature

  The Awakening: Novel written by Kate Chopin, published in 1899. An early feminist work in which a well-to-do young wife struggles to express ambitions that are limited by social and sexual constraints.

  The Great Gatsby: Novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, published in 1925. Ultimate story of an outsider setting a goal and achieving it, thought the results arent all that he might have wanted.

  Macbeth: Play written by William Shakespeare, first produced in 1605-6. The classic tale of ambition and its effects on morality, character, and loved ones. Super bloody.

  SAT作文素材 History

  15th Amendment/Civil Rights Movement: Knowing the primary leaders and dates of the Civil Rights Movement will be a great help, since you can use them for just about any question about leadership or inspiration. Similar goes for the fight to constitutionally give blacks the vote.

  Elizabeth Cady Stanton: Early feminist, whose Declaration of Sentiments was the key document of the landmark Seneca Falls womens rights convention, which was the first major push toward womens rights and womens suffrage.

  Mohandas Gandhi: A key political and spiritual leader of India whose philosophy of nonviolence helped lead the country to freedom from British rule in 1946.



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