Jeanne dArc
Joan of Arc, Saint, in French, Jeanne dArc , called the Maid of Orlans, national heroine and patron saint of France, who united the nation at a critical hour and decisively turned the Hundred Years War in Frances favor.
Joan was born of peasant parentage in Domrmy . When she was 13 years old, she believed she heard celestial voices. As they continued, sometimes accompanied by visions, she became convinced that they belonged to St. Michael and to the early martyrs St. Catherine of Alexandria and St. Margaret. Early in 1429, during the Hundred Years War, when the English were about to capture Orlans, the voices exhorted her to help the Dauphin, later Charles VII, king of France. Charles, because of both internal strife and the English claim to the throne of France, had not yet been crowned king. Joan succeeded in convincing him that she had a divine mission to save France. A board of theologians approved her claims, and she was given troops to command. Dressed in armor and carrying a white banner that represented God blessing the French royal emblem, the fleur-de-lis, she led the French to a decisive victory over the English.
At the subsequent coronation of the Dauphin in the cathedral at Reims, she was given the place of honor beside the king.
Although Joan had united the French behind Charles and had put an end to English dreams of hegemony over France, Charles opposed any further campaigns against the English. Therefore, it was without royal support that Joan conducted a military operation against the English at Compigne, near Paris. She was captured by Burgundian soldiers, who sold her to their English allies. The English then turned her over to an ecclesiastical court at Rouen to be tried for heresy and sorcery. After 14 months of interrogation, she was accused of wrongdoing in wearing masculine dress and of heresy for believing she was directly responsible to God rather than to the Roman Catholic church. The court condemned her to death, but she penitently confessed her errors, and the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. Because she resumed masculine dress after returning to jail, she was condemned againthis time by a secular courtand, on May 30, 1431, Joan was burned at the stake in the Old Market Square at Rouen as a relapsed heretic.
Key words: saint revolution
贞德本来只是一个生於法国香槟区和洛林边界的杜鲁弥村的一个农村栋雷米的平凡小女孩。当时法国北部被英国占领,而英国又与勃艮第公国结盟。当时栋雷米属於亲英国─勃艮第联盟的巴雷公爵的领地。她声称在十六岁时的一日,她在村后的大树下,遇见天使圣米迦勒和圣玛桂莱德,从而得到「神的启示」,要求她带兵收复当时由英国人占领的法国失地。后来她几番转折,得到兵权,于1429 年解奥尔良之围,并带兵多次打败英国的侵略者,更促成拥有王位承继权的查理七世于同年7 月16 日得以加冕。然而圣女贞德于1430 年贡比涅之战为勃艮第公国所俘,不久为英国人以重金购去,由英国当局控制下的宗教裁判所以异端、女巫罪判处她火刑,于1431 年5 月30 曰在法国卢昂当众处死。1456 年由查理七世主导的宗教裁判所为她平反,于1920 年由教宗封圣。
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