好的SAT 文章开头能迅速抓住读者的注意力,并同时选定文章叙述和论证的切入点。好的开端可以给出一个反映文章的中心思想的主题句子,表明作者的立场。真正好文章的开头往往是经过精心设计的。通过精细设计的切入点和环环相扣和的叙述和论证,让人欲罢不能,满分就随之而来。好的SAT 文章的开头最好是在1至3行之内,不要太冗长。下面为大家介绍几种常用的开头形式:
① 睿智式开头:例如 the most suitable candidate for Chinese president should someday be a foreigner, because whenever problems pop up, most Chinese habitually ask :what will foreigners say
② 戏剧式开头:例如I know who killed Michael Jackson
③ 开门见山式:例如 I do not think the adversity is completely good for the development of a persons qualification and capability
④ 提问式开头:例如 why many college students choose to go abroad for further study after they get their degrees at home.
⑤ 罗列要点式开头:First, the adversity encourages a persons motivation. Second, the adversity makes people lose confidence.
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