Jean-Jacques Rousseau is one of the most influential thinkers during the Enlightenment in eighteenth century Europe. His first major philosophical work, A Discourse on the Sciences and Arts, was the winning response to an essay contest conducted by the Academy of Dijon in 1750. In this work, Rousseau argues that the progression of the sciences and arts has caused the corruption of virtue and morality.
This discourse won Rousseau fame and recognition, and it laid much of the philosophical groundwork for a second, longer work, The Discourse on the Origin of Inequality. The second discourse did not win the Academys prize, but like the first, it was widely read and further solidified Rousseaus place as a significant intellectual figure. The central claim of the work is that human beings are basically good by nature, but were corrupted by the complex historical events that resulted in present day civil society.
Rousseaus praise of nature is a theme that continues throughout his later works as well, the most significant of which include his comprehensive work on the philosophy of education, the Emile, and his major work on political philosophy, The Social Contract: both published in 1762. These works caused great controversy in France and were immediately banned by Paris authorities.
Rousseau fled France and settled in Switzerland, but he continued to find difficulties with authorities and quarrel with friends. The end of Rousseaus life was marked in large part by his growing paranoia and his continued attempts to justify his life and his work. This is especially evident in his later books, The Confessions, The Reveries of the Solitary Walker, and Rousseau: Judge of Jean-Jacques.
Rousseau greatly influenced Immanuel Kants work on ethics. His novel Julie or the New Heloise impacted the late eighteenth centurys Romantic Naturalism movement, and his political ideals were championed by leaders of the French Revolution.
让-雅克卢梭 ,法国伟大的启蒙思想家、哲学家、教育家、文学家,是18世纪法国大革命的思想先驱,启蒙运动最卓越的代表人物之一。主要著作有《论人类不平等的起源和基础》、《社会契约论》、《爱弥儿》、《忏悔录》、《新爱洛漪丝》、《植物学通信》等。
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