determining whether something should or should not be done could be weighed in many aspects. different people have different answers due to their respective point of view. on balance, my view is that the final judgment should depend on a case-by-case analysis of the two situations. / in my point of view, i agree with the speaker on the grounds that / at the first glance, this opinion seems to be somewhat appealing, but further reflection tells me that i cannot agree with it for the following reasons.
the first and foremost reason why i support / agree with above statement is that
there is also a further 每 more subtle 每 point to consider.
although at first glance these arguments sound reasonable and appealing, they are not borne out by a careful consideration.
the undeniable deficiency in above arguments is that they are negligent of the bare fact that...
in conclusion, it must be explained that these three reasons sometimes intertwine to form an organic whole, thus becoming more persuasive than anyone of them. so, any thinking person must believe that
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