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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  370.peerless: equality 无可匹敌的:同等

  371.peevish: good-natured 脾气坏的:好脾气的

  372.pejorative: laudatory 贬低的:赞美的

  The campus police who monitored the demonstrations had little respect for the student protesters, generally speaking of them in__ terms.

  A. hyperbolic B. euphemistic C. pejorative D. derivative E. uncertain

  373.penchant: aversion 嗜好:厌恶


  374. penitent: unremorseful 后悔的:不后悔的

  pent 词根,后悔,所以词语compunction,repent,penitent都表示后悔的意思。

  375.penurious: lavish吝啬的:浪费的


  376.peremptory: open to challenge不容反抗的:接受挑战的


  377.perish: survive 毁灭:幸存

  378.perspicacious: dull 敏锐的:迟钝的

  The contract negotiations were often surprisingly___, deteriorating at times into a welter of accusations and counteraccusations.

  A. perspicacious B. phlegmatic C. sedate

  D. acrimonious E. propitious

  379.pertinent: irrelevant 相关的:无关系的

  380.philistine: aesthete 庸人:审美家


  381.phlegmatic: lively/spirited/vivacious迟钝的,冷静的:活泼的

  382.pinpoint: exam cursorily 精确地定位:粗略的检查

  pinpoint:to discover or explain exactly the real facts about something or the cause of a problem

  They need to pinpoint exactly what skills are necessary

  383.placate: antagonize 抚慰:反抗


  384.plethora: dearth 过剩:缺乏

  At the present time, we are suffering from ---of stories about the war; try writing about another subject.

   a calumny a dearth an insurgence

   a plethora an inhibition

  In her writings about language, the poet Gloria Anzalda celebrates the ------- of English and Spanish dialects spoken by Mexican Americans, arguing that such -------lends an empowering flexibility to expression.

   multiplicity . . variety proliferation . . moderation ambivalence . . focus

   dearth . . depletion abridgment . . imitation

  385.pliable: rigid柔软的:刚硬的


  pliant: obdurate 易受影响的:倔强的

  Orangutans are___ apes: they typically conduct most of their lives up in the trees of tropical rain forests.






  386.polarize: coalesce 两极分化:结合

  387.postulate: deny as false 假设是真的:否认为假的

  The two-cultures approach postulates that difficulties in communication between men and women arise because of a clash of conversational styles.

  388.precipitate: retard/dilatory 匆促的:减速/不慌不忙的

  389.precipitous: level /gradually sloping陡峭的:逐渐倾斜

  precursory: derivative 先驱的:衍生的

  390.preeminent: negligible 卓越的:可忽略的,不重要的

  391.prevalent: unusual 普遍的:与众不同的

  Homework is prevalent predominantly in rural areas.

  procrastination: diligence 推迟,拖延:勤勉

  392.proficient: inept 精通的:无能的

  Although just barely ---- as a writer of lucid prose, Jones was an extremely ---- editor who worked superbly with other writers in helping them improve the clarity of their writing.

   deficient.. muddling proficient.. contentious adequate.. capable

   appalling.. competent engaging.. inept

  393.profundity: superficiality 深刻:肤浅

  394.profuse: scanty 极其丰富的:缺乏的

  395.prolong: truncate 延长:截短

  396.propensity: aversion 倾向:厌恶

  As a young physics instructor, Richard Feynman discovered that he had the gift of sharing his___ his subject and making that excitement____.

   passion for, contagious

   knowledge of, inaudible

   contempt for, praiseworthy

   propensity for, futile

   commitment to, impersonal

  397.propitious: unfavorable 吉利的:不利的

  398.prosperous: depressed 繁荣的:萧条的

  399.prostrate: upright 伏地的:垂直的

  400.protean: static 变化不定的:固定的



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