181. champion to support; to fight for; to endorse; to advocate; to commend
182. mediocre second-rate; average-to-poor quality
183. domestic relating to the home; relating to ones country; fitting in at home; indigenous
184. pedantic overly academic about minor matters; being a stickler for academic correctness
185. wary cautious; careful; prudent; circumspect;apprehensive; diffident
186. vulnerable able to be hurt; weak
187. opportunist someone who takes advantage of opportunities, often exploiting them selfishly
188. discriminating selective; making a clear distinction between things; to treat differently; discerning; distinguishing
189. adept skillful
190. anachronistic out of date; extremely old-fashioned way of doing something; dated and no longer needed; obsolete; no longer contemporary
191. provincial relating to a region or province; narrow-minded;parochial
192. obstinate stubborn; intractable
193. heresy a statement, action, or belief that goes a dominant religion or system of beliefs; more generally, any belief that goes sharply against the accepted viewpoint on a subject; a radically unconventional idea or action
194. articulate able to express ideas clearly; coherent; lucid
195. formal standard; following rules; proper; ceremonial;conventional; relating to superficial conventions
196. detached unemotional; unbiased; objective almost to the point of being indifferent; neutral
197. conformist someone who follows rules or conventions
198. complement to fit well with; to complete something
199. intrepid brave; fearless; undaunted
200. feasible possible; workable; likely to happen
201. proponent a supporter; a champion; one who endorses; an advocate
202. reprehensible deserving great blame; wicked; evil
203. extol to praise highly; to commend
204. compatible able to exist with something else; well-matched;harmonious
205. radical not moderate; extremely unconventional, and almost heretical
206. erratic moving in an unpredictable way; unpredictable;inconsistent
207. inherent inborn; essential; innate
208. resilient quickly bouncing back; flexible under pressure;resolute
209. tractable obedient; easily controlled; amenable
210. clandestine secret; surreptitious
211. commend to praise; to extol
212. adversity a difficult, harmful, or dangerous situation
213. convoluted complicated; twisted; incoherent
214. empathy ability to see and feel things from another persons point of view; sympathetic
215. inundate to flood; to overwhelm with overabundance
216. genial friendly; good-natured; kind; sympathetic;gregarious; amiable; amicable
217. insolvent unable to pay; out of money
218. impede to block; to hinder; to delay; to inhibit
219. equivocal intentionally unclear or ambiguous; duplicitous; obscuring ones meaning, often in response to a question
220. decisive quick to decide; definite or definitive; determined;resolute
221. transcend to move beyond and often to overcome; to surpass
222. prohibitive tending to prevent or impede; precluding
223. dilatory delaying; not prompt
224. divisive tending to divide parties; creating or stirring up disagreement
225. tolerant accepting of differences with others; able to dealwith; amicable
226. cerebral intellectual; relating to the brain
227. cantankerous bad-tempered; irritable
228. consensus general agreement; concord
229. notion an idea or concept, usually unproven; a hypothesis
230. compound to combine; to increase
231. circumscribe to draw a line around; to restrict; to define
232. tentative not final; dependent; unsure; not definitive or decisive
233. enigmatic puzzling; mysterious; obscure
234. colleague a coworker, especially in a particular business or profession; a collaborator
235. regenerate to grow back; to regain health
236. hackneyed unoriginal; overused; banal; prosaic; mundane;vapid
237. preclude to prevent; to make impossible; to prohibit
238. attribute to claim something as a cause, a characteristic, or an aspect of something
239. na?ve unsophisticated; innocent; childlike; ingenuous
240. abundant plentiful; not scarce
241. chronological in order of time
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