SAT阅读解题关键词汇:态度词 这里为大家整理的是关于SAT阅读词汇方面的信息,主要是对SAT阅读解题过程有很大指引作用的一些态度性的词汇。SAT阅读解题的过程中,是需要在文章中找到相关内容的,这些词汇可以帮助大家更好的找到答案。
1:Positive attitude:
喜:delight, please, excite, exhilarate, cheerful, ebullient, enthusiasm,
赞:appreciate, admire, celebrate, espouse, champion, commend, endorse
同情: sympathetic, compassion,
诙谐:humorous, witty, amusing, jocular
客观:detached, objective, impartial, analytical,
其他:enlightening, cautious, reflective, nostalgic,
2:Negative attitude:
嘲:deride, derision , jeer, mock, scorn, sarcasm, irony, satire, scoff, ridiculous, ludicrous, comical, facetious,
悲:sorrow, wrench, bitterness, grief, distress
惊:amaze, astonish, astound, surprise,
忧:anxiety, insecurity, apprehensive, somber, gloomy, depressing, dreary, melancholy, glum, sullen, wistful, distress, uneasy, upset, sentimental, annoying,
疑:distrust, doubt/dubious/doubtful, skeptical, incredulous, suspicious, disbelief,
斥:criticize, condemn, reject, disapprove, reprove, admonish, deny, denounce, repudiate, refute,
贬:disparage, disdain, disrespect, contempt, devalue, defy/defiance, depreciate, despise,
窘:embarrass, abash, humiliate, mortify
沮:frustrated, disappointed, dismay,
惧:fear, alarm, trepid, panic
恩赐:condescending, patronizing,
惑:puzzle, baffle, confuse, perplex, dumbfounded
妒:cynicism, begrudge,
傲:arrogant, insolent, haughty, impertinent,
怪:whimsical, capricious,
贪:greedy, avaricious, grasping,
冷:indifferent, lukewarm, unsympathetic, nonchalant, apathetic, callousness
怒:rage, outrage, wrath, exasperation, irritation, indignation, resentment, vexation, irate,
其他:indulgent, paranoia, hostile, resigned, begrudging, mischievous, moralistic, attack
Note: underlined words are often likely to be ruled out from options.
3:Complex attitude:
矛盾:bittersweet, ambivalent,
其他:intrigued, curiosity, apologetic, awesome,
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