formal or conversational?是否接受具有creativity的写作使用humor, puns, irony etc?
GMAT的写作格式应该是formal的。不要企图使用humor, puns, irony来表现你的brilliance。那样会为你的作文减分的。另外,不要使用cute ,clever quote or pithy remark为你的文章作结。下面试关于business ethics的文章中使用remark作结,让文章减分的例子:
Ethics should be left to philosophers and theologians; making money is what business is all about.
It all boils down to this: What goes around, comes around!
Someone once said that no good deed goes unpunished, and that is certainly true when it comes to the motives of a business leader.
The reality is that if Google can get away with it, then its ethical.
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