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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  The relationship between teamwork and individual strength, energy, and

  commitment is complex; whether they operate in a complementary or antagonistic

  manner depends on: the goals toward which the traits are directed, the degree of

  emphasis on teamwork, and the job of the individual within an organization.

  A persons ability to work effectively in a team is not in consistent per se with

  personal strength, energy, and commitment. If exercised in a self-serving manngr―for

  example, through pilfering or back stabbing―these traits can operate against the

  organization. Conversely, if directed toward the firms goals, these traits can motivate

  other team members, thereby advancing common goals. World War II generals Patton

  and Rommel understood this point and knew how to bring out the best individual

  qualities in their troops, while at the same time instilling a strong sense of team and

  common purpose.

  Nevertheless, over-emphasizing teamwork can be counterproductive for an

  organization. A successful team requires both natural leaders and natural followers;

  otherwise, a team will accomplish little. Undue emphasis on teamwork may quell

  initiative among natural leaders, thereby thwarting team goals. Also, teamwork can be

  overemphasized with a commissioned sales force of highly competitive and autonomic

  individuals. Overemphasis on teamwork here might stifle healthy competition, thereby

  defeating a firms objectives. In other organizational areas, however, teamwork is

  critical. For example, a product-development team must progress in lock-step fashion

  toward common goals, such as meeting a rollout deadline.

  In sum, individual strength, commitment, and energy can complement a strong

  team approach; as long as individual autonomy is not undermined, all can operate in a

  synergistic manner to achieve an organizations goals.




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