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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  42. The speaker argues that because scientists continually shift viewpoints about how

  our actions affect the natural environment, companies should not change their products

  and processes according to scientific recommendations until the government requires

  them to do so. This argument raises complex issues about the duties of business and

  about regulatory fairness and effectiveness. Although a wait-and-see policy may help

  companies avoid costly and unnecessary changes, three countervailing considerations

  compel me to disagree overall with the argument.

  First, a regulatory system of environmental protection might not operate equitably.

  At first glance, a wait-and-see response might seem fair in that all companies would be

  subject to the same standards and same enforcement measures. However, enforcement

  requires detection, and while some violators may be caught, others might not. Moreover,

  a broad regulatory system imposes general standards that may not apply equitably to

  every company. Suppose, for example, that pollution from a company in a valley does

  more damage to the environment than similar pollution from a company on the coast. It

  would seem unfair to require the coastal company to invest as heavily in abatement or,

  in the extreme, to shut down the operation if the company cannot afford abatement


  Secondly, the argument assumes that the government regulations will properly

  reflect scientific recommendations. However, this claim is somewhat dubious.

  Companies with the most money and political influence, not the scientists, might in

  some cases dictate regulatory standards. In other words, legislators may be more

  influenced by political expediency and campaign pork than by societal concerns.

  Thirdly, waiting until government regulations are in place can have disastrous

  effects on the environment. A great deal of environmental damage can occur before

  regulations are implemented. This problem is compounded whenever government

  reaction to scientific evidence is slow. Moreover, the EPA might be overburdened with

  its detection and enforcement duties, thereby allowing continued environmental damage

  by companies who have not yet been caught or who appeal penalties.

  In conclusion, despite uncertainty within the scientific community about what

  environmental standards are best, companies should not wait for government regulation

  before reacting to warnings about environmental problems. The speakers recommended

  approach would in many cases operate inequitably among companies: moreover, it

  ignores the political-corruption factor as well as the potential environmental damage

  resulting from bureaucratic delay.




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