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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  56. This statement is ambiguous. It could mean, literally, that business success

  depends on knowing more than anyone else about ones operations, products and

  markets. Or it could be a subtle recommendation to acquire privileged information, by

  whatever means, to use for ones own advantage. I agree with the statement in the first

  sense. However, I strongly disagree with many implications of the second possible


  It goes without saying that competitive edge in business is a function of

  knowledge. It is crucial to fully understand the technology and uses of ones products;

  and it is prudent to micromanage operations, knowing as much as possible about the

  small details that can add up to a significant economic difference. It is also prudent, and

  legitimate, to take every measure to protect that knowledge as trade secrets, since they

  often play a pivotal role in a firms competitiveness.

  But the advice to know something that nobody else does could easily become

  distorted. If taken another way, the advice could recommend that one dig up dirt in

  order to damage or discredit a rival. It could also be taken to recommend stealing trade

  secrets or other inside information from a competitor in order to gain an unfair business

  advantage. All of these tactics are some also violate civil and criminal laws. Moreover,

  the recommendation to find and use any information, even unfairly or illegally, can

  backfire. People who follow such advice risk civil liability, criminal prosecution, and

  the loss of an important business asset―their good reputations..

  In sum, I agree with the statement up to the point that it validates detailed and

  even proprietary knowledge as a key to competitiveness. Insofar as the statement

  sanctions unfair practices, however, following it would be unethical, bad for business,

  and damaging to the character and reputation of the perpetrator.




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