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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  13.Responsibility for preserving the natural environment ultimately belongs to each individual person, not to government.

  Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.

  Partly, I agree with the authors assertion that each individual person is responsible for preserving the natural environment. However, the author unnecessarily extend this assertion to extreme by denying the responsibility of government to protect the environment from being harmed. In my opinion, both individual person and government should make great effort to preserve the environment.

  Undoubtedly, individual person should assume the primary responsibility for protecting the environment. To illustrate this point, there are two compelling arguments. On the one hand, the natural environment belongs to each person living on the earth, and therefore, the duty to protect it should also belongs to each. We human beings are living interdependently in the same environment, that is to say, any contamination in the environment no matter where it takes place would ultimately do harm to all of us. Take the depletion of ozone for example. Although such depletion happens only in the polar region, all of the human being is suffering from the excessive ultraviolet radiation which would otherwise be absorbed by the ozone. On the other hand, the environmental pollution will never be eradicated unless each individual realizes the importance to protect the natural environment. Without enough attention to the seriousness of environmental problem, people may probably have no motivate to protect environment. Consequently, any legislation intended to protect the environment will not be effectively executed by individual and therefore may make little change to the environmental condition.

  However, we should never lose sight of the fact that the mere power of individual can never accomplish the tough task of prevent the contamination. Firstly, many fatal problems in the environment cannot be successfully addressed by the relative weak power of individual. The empirical evidences are overwhelming; yet to justified this point, one need go no further than the deforestation and excessive killing. Without the legislation implemented by government, it is unrealistic to expect that any individual would be able to cease such trend. Secondly, the government can collect the funds to encourage research dealing with the environmental pollution, whereas seldom could any individual afford the expense to support such complex research.


  In conclusion, each individual person has the duty to protect the natural environment since ultimately the environment belongs to everyone on the earth. Further more, only by collective effort of all the people can we achieve this final goal. Nevertheless, the government should not deny the necessary responsibility to protect the environment, because no individual has enough power to impede the fatal threat to environment. In the final analysis, to better solve the environmental problem, we should make good use of not only the power of government but also the motivation of individual.




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