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GMAT issue提纲(十六)

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  85Government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts.


  承认政府会限制艺术的发展。因为政府总是它自己的一定立场,是维护自己这个国家利益的。比如过去苏联 The soviet Union 过去甚至让他们的艺术家按照party line 去创作作品。在这种情况下,艺术家就没有办法按照自己对艺术的理解去创造艺术。虽然不是所有政府都会像苏联那样明显,但是这种影响总是暗藏着的。

  虽然政府一定程度上会影响艺术,但是政府的支持对于艺术的发展还是非常重要的。一方面是因为市场的规律不一定适用于所有有天份的艺术家。艺术家的思维总是超前于时代的,并不是所有的人都理解他的作品的。历史上很多伟大的艺术家就是这样Mozart Van Gogh 一方面艺术的发展对一个国家很重要,政府有义务去支持艺术。艺术可以推动社会的历史进程,艺术里有那种不属于人间的美,艺术可以反映社会暗藏的价值。有了艺术,这个国家才变的那么丰富多彩。所以为了不埋没像Van Gogh 一样的天才,同时为了让这个国家更美好,就应该支持艺术。美国the National Endowment for the Arts in 1965



  195The goal of politics should not be the pursuit of an ideal, but rather the search for common ground and reasonable consensus.






  39The intellectual benefits of attending a university or college are vastly overrated: most people could learn more by studying and reading on their own for four years than by pursuing a university or college degree.

  59Too much emphasis is placed on role models. Instead of copying others, people should learn to think and act independently and thus make the choices that are best for them.

  1 模仿是人类的本能. 模仿是入门的一个捷径。小孩子喜欢模仿大人,青少年模仿偶像。Chiledren need role models to help them develope their personality and character. Impetus and wishes to chase after their models/idol.就是大人也得承认榜样的作用,很多model是人们成功经验的总结,值得我们思考和借签。We have been brought up with the tales and legends of kinds of heroes and heroines, no matter whether these characters are real persons or fictional ones, these stories serve as our primary enlightened materials that instill us virtues and values the society cherishes commonly in which we are living.

  2 一味模仿是不好的,反而会导致反效果:lead to contrary effect.同时由于时代的不同,认识的差异,以及性格的不同,我们只能是学习,并不该完全仿照。

  A时代不同了,环境变了,中国在革命中照搬苏联: Simply copying the development model of Soviet Union without considering the particular situations and characteristics of China itself, etheir early Chinese Revolution or the domestic development of the nation in its youth suffered from painful lessons and immense lost。

  B人们不需要照抄榜样,当大家都抄袭Bill Gates的成功的时候,Larry Page创造了google,当大家又都学习Larry Page的时候,又出现了youtube的Steve Chen和Chad Hurley。

  3 兼顾榜样学习和独立思考,think independently means more很重要。胡适曾说independent thinking and free spirit

  1)人与人是不同的,对于自己未必合适Merely imitating role models may result in laziness and dependence since one dose not suffer himself/herself of thinking and analyzing.

  2)学习榜样精神,认识到自己和榜样的差别,制定适合自己的方法。我们要做的不是简单的copy,要understand,咀嚼digester和emulate sometimes: to strive to equal or excel. Vincent Van Gogh在形成自己的风格之前就模仿印象派的作品.但最终其技艺artistry脱离了印象派impressionism的形式,形成了自己的风格.被后人所推崇venerate。

  183As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and more mysterious.

  1 首先,8得8承认,随着知识的增多,它们帮助我们理解,而且有些东西变的更加容易:如我们具备了物理常识,就不会对结冰感到奇怪;掌握了化学反应机理,就明白合成树脂vinylite不是件奇妙magical的事;了解自然,就不会对大雁wide goose南飞觉得enigmatical

  2 复杂。积累的知识越多,决定事情的因素就越多,人们需要考虑更多的问题。Microscope使人不断认识到自己身体的构造,于是进行进一步的研究,在研究中我们又遇到更难,更宽泛的问题,就需要我们掌握更多的知识才能解决。

  3 神秘。在进一步的探索中,不仅有暂时难以解决的问题,更有看起来希奇古怪,超出常识的玩意和现象,被认做是神秘的。如:人们当年探险时到了百慕大魔鬼三角洲Bermuda Triangle,很多人失踪在哪里,至今不知原因,那里被看作是魔鬼的底盘:magic zone。还有外太空的神秘。

  总结:神秘和复杂并不可怕,因为我们了解了越多神秘的,也找到了越多的方法。古希腊哲学家ancient Greek philosopher说的圆圈的故事。If we compare the known part of the world to the space within a circle, the unknown part of the world around the circle grows as the circle of our knowledge expands



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