N1 艺术应该challenge the society 而不是entertain the society
N2 People have a duty to disobey the laws they consider unjust
N3 The best teachers are those who expect students to challenge popular ideas rather than accepting these ideas.
N4 With the development of global economy and international cooperation, people should understand that the role as the citizens of world is more important than as the citizens of a particular country.
a. 有个出版社Watchweek觉得它的员工流动率高,于是请来一位曾在儿童出版社当过总编的来管理,这位新总编想运用些科技来刺激员工互动及激发创造力,以进而留住员工.
b. Watchweek公司发现自己很难留住员工,老员工也很难被提拔。于是他们招了以前在Pattycake做Children book的Norman来管事儿。Norman上任企图要用一个新政策,这个政策以前在Pattycake成功,因此该政策在Watchweek肯定也会成功。
N6 有人抱怨大家越来越依赖电脑了, 但是电脑改善了人们的生活。
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