1.In this argument the arguer recommends that------
2. This recommendation is based on the result of survey that-------
3. In addition , the arguer assumes that ---------
4. A careful examation would reveal how groundless the conclusion is-----
B 5.in this analysis, the arguer claims that -----
6. to substantiate it the conclusion the arguer provides the evidence that-----
7. besides the arguer asserts that--------
8. this argument is unconvincing for several critical flaw----
9. the arguer predicts that-------
10. this prediction relies on the observation that---------
11. At the same time, the arguer reasons that----------
12. This argument is problematic for several reasons-------
13. The conclusion in this argument is that in support of this conclusion the arguer
Supplies the evidence that-------further more, the arguer infers that------
14. While this argument has some merit,there are several logic flaws that deserve our attention
15. The validity of the survey is doubtful
16. The arguer fail to convince us that
17. Granted that-----------
18. We cant ensure that-----
19. The arguer unfairly assumes that-----
20 The arguer fails to take into account other factors that might lead to -----
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