gmat作文模板 ISSUE
The issue of is very controversial and naturally arouses disagreement among people of different backgrounds and experiences. Some people claim that, while others maintain that. On balance, I am inclined to argue that. Reasons go as follows.
The first reason in favor of my position is that. Let us take this example into account. I illustrate this example in an attempt to emphasize that. Under this circumstance,
What is also worth noticing is that, Just imagine what would be like if......Hence, another equally important aspect is that
Finally, it is necessary to mention another reason that supports my argument. According to the statistics/figures released by the government/an institute, it can be learned that.
Admittedly, it may be true that in some conditions. Although this argument sounds reasonable and appealing at first glance, it is not taking many important factors into account. When the advantage and disadvantage of A and B are carefully compared, the benefits of A outweigh the benefits of B.
In conclusion, while some people may remain unconvinced by my argument, I believe that taking into account the various dimensions of the issues discussed in the above analysis will certainly contribute to our unders的tanding of the complexity of the problem.
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