18. AA:某TOWN商业救护车要取代义务救护车。AI-某镇要将志愿性救护车队换成商业性的,以提高patient service的品质。
19. aa: Company X去年作的调查,说职工对于管理层与员工的沟通不够,说公司已经成立了一个由高级管理人员主持的例会,职工可以自愿参加,这个问题已经解决了.
20.AA: the occupancy rates of on-campus housing decrease last year, and so did the housing revenues. someone suggest balancing the demand and supply of on-campus housing by providing fewer houses and by pulling down the rents.
21. AA: team work vs. strong individual
22. ARGUMENT:特价商品广告使公司收入增加,例如1商店在JD卖30种特价商品的广告,有一半回答看过广告的人消费在100元以上。
23. AA:据调查,中年消费者在DEPARTMENT STORES里花费39%,年轻人只有25%,并且在最近20年里,中年人将大幅度增加,所以商店应该削减年轻人的商品,增加给中年人的。
24. Auguement: Cafts removing from its original location is a good decision.
25. AA:On average, 9 out of every 1,000 passengers who traveled on Avia Airlines last year filed a complaint about our baggage-handling procedures. This means that although some 1 percent of our passengers were unhappy with those procedures, the overwhelming majority were quite satisfied with them; thus it would appear that a review of the procedures is not important to our goal of maintaining or increasing the number of Avias passengers.
26. ARGUMENT:农民用合成肥料好过用有机肥。
27. AA:31 Trends in coffee and cola consumption AA: Exxxx company准备卖同一个brand的coffee,而且使用Superior公司的promotion, offer free samples, price deduction, free coupond... AA: transfer from cola to coffee AGRUE: A NEW COMPANY IN THE MARKET OF COFFEE SHOULD DO WHAT sUPERIOR DID, TO OFFER FREE COFFEE AND DISCOUNT TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS.
28. AA:在某地开了三家店很成功,于是建议在另外一个地方也开类似三家并且用打折方式吸引顾客。
29. AA某国出现贸易赤字,有人建议降低其最重要出口产品糖的价格,认为降低价格可以增加销售于是解决了贸易赤字问题。
30. AA: Megamart加了pharmacy section后sales增加了20%,所以准备加其他dept.,来increase profit quantitive
31. AA:两种非处方药
32.新修的地铁严重超员,采用降低公交车费和提升PARKING FEE
33. Argument:某商店增加一个医药柜台后,销售额增加,于是建议再增加其他的部门和新的服务,来提高销售,通过这种办法,该商店将在该地区服务最全面,最有竞争优势。
Ar 61 Argument:2
AA:8 aa:34 AA. 29.
AA:124 AA 86 AA:10T argument31 AA: 1 AA: 44 AA:28 AA:13作文:1. Job security and salary should be based on employee performance, not on years of service. Judging their years of service will discourage their productivity. 2. One Cafshop made a good business decision in moving to a new location for two reasons. One, the shop will have its anniversary there. Two, there are three other shops occupy the old spot. Essay: Both of them are analysis. One is The security and salary of the employee should focus on employees perfomance. Not years of service. Another is 1% passengers are not satisfied the ... do you think the company should pay attention on that 1%?
AWA 1. The quality of life in most of societies has no better than at the present time. Because the recent advancements in business and technology. 2. Some suggest that suggest Sacchar to lower price to increase export, competitiveness,..
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