Sample Essay 2:
In this argument a member of a financial management and consulting firm reasons that since Windfall Ltd. increased its net gains by checking 10 percent of its purchasing invoices for errors, it would be a good idea to advise the firms clients to institute a policy of checking all purchasing invoices for errors. Two potential benefits are foreseen from this recommendation: it could help the firms clients increase their net gains, and it could help the firm land the Windfall account. The members argument is unconvincing for a couple of reasons.
The main problem with the argument is that the conclusion is based upon insufficient evidence. The fact that some of Windfalls purchasing invoices contained errors might simply be attributable to the sloppy accounting practices of Windfalls suppliers. Thus, rather than indicating a general problem, the invoice errors might simply be indicative of a problem that is specific to Windfall Ltd. In other words, the evidence drawn from Windfalls experience is insufficient to support the conclusion that all purchasing invoices are subject to similar errors.
Secondly, the evidence offered in the argument suggests only that companies purchasing from the same suppliers that Windfall purchases from are likely to experience similar problems. If the firms clients do not purchase from Windfalls suppliers, checking for errors might turn out to be a monumental waste of time.
In conclusion, the authors argument fails to provide good grounds for instituting the policy of routinely checking purchasing invoices for errors. To strengthen the conclusion the author would have to provide evidence that this is a widespread problem. Specifically, what is required are additional instances of purchasing invoices containing errors that are drawn from various companies.