4.Data analysis包括描述统计学比如平均数、中位数、众数、极差、均方差、四分位差、四分位、百分位;分析图和表,包括折线图、柱状图、饼图、箱型图、散点图、频数分布;概率初步、合成事件、独立事件、随机变量、概率分布、正态分布;计数方法、排列、组合、维恩图。不考推论统计。
1.数值比较quantitative comparison questions
2.单选题 multiple-choice questions----select one answer choice
3.多选题 multiple-choice questions----select one or more answer choices
4.数值输入题 numeric entry questions
1.become familiar with the answer choices.
2.avoid unnecessary computations.
3.remember that geometric figures are not necessarily drawn to scale.
4.plug in numbers
5.simplify the comparison
6.use the fact that the answer is there.
7.examine the answer choices
8.for questions that require approximations, scan the answer choices to see how close an approximation is needed.
9.note whether you are asked to indicate a specific number of answer choice or all choices that apply.
10.in some questions that involve conditions that limit the possible values of numerical answer choices, it may be efficient to determine the least and/or the greatest possible value.
11.avoid lengthy calculations by recognizing and continuing numerical patterns.
12.make sure you answer the question that is asked.
13.if you are asked to round your answer, make sure you round to the required degree of accuracy.
14.examine your answer to see if it is reasonable with respect to the information given.
15.填空题几个注意:1要先点选输入框 2删除要用backspace 3负号就用那个连词符号 4如果要改成正的,再次输入连词符号就变成正数了 5计算器上的transfer display可以直接把计算器里得出的结果转到输入框里面 6 2.5和2.50是一样的 7 除非要求四舍五入,否则不要输入近似值 8如果是分数,一般分子和分母是两个独立的框 9分数不必须约分
16.scan the data presentation briefly to see what it is about, but do not spend time studying all of the information in detail
17.bar graphs and circle graphs, as well as other graphical displays of data, are drawn to scale, so you can read or estimate data visually from such graphs.
18.the questions are to be answered only on the basis of the data presented, everyday facts , and your knowledge of mathematics.
19.MR表示 memory recall, M+ 表示memory sum, MC 表示 memory clear.
上一篇: GRE数学难题讲解20例