今天针对新版gre数学复习,小编给大家整理的是关于Equation:In Terms of的相关内容,这些概念在考试中一定会考到的。希望考生能再接再厉,取得一个好成绩,突破新版gre数学难的困境。
Equation-In Terms of
Given a linear equation of two variables x and y, we can express x in terms of y by isolating x to the right side of the equation and y to the left.
Given the equation ax+by+c=d,we can express x in terms of y as follows:
1.ax=d-by-c,by subtracting by+c from both sides
2.x=/a,by dividing both sides by a.
All linear equations of two variables x and y can be written as ax+by+c=d, and x=/a.
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