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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Claim: It is no longer possible for a society to regard any living man or woman as a hero.

  Reason: The reputation of anyone who is subjected to media scrutiny will eventually bediminished.



  Technology has also made it easier to dig further than ever before into a persons past,increasing the possibility that the subjects reputation may be harmed.

  1. Without a doubt, there are many examples of individuals whose reputation have beendiminished by media scrutiny.

  1) Fame and fortune turn an ordinary individual into a media target where reporters willstop at almost nothing to dig up dirt that will sell more newspapers or entice more viewers towatch a television program. Even if when they fail, they might produce some scandals to caterthe public interests.

  2. Even though media scrutiny increases the possibility that the reputation of a hero willbe harmed, it helps have deep insight into our heroes and we should remember that noindividual is perfect.

  1) In this way, we can get close to real heroes and encourage more to struggle to servethe society.

  2) Media viewers, readers and listeners find information about the misfortunes andmisdeeds of others, especially heroic public figures owing to mass media generally consist ofprofit seeking entities, whose chief objective is to maximize profits.

  3) With the help of intensive media coverage, we can examine heroes carefully. News oninternet offer opportunities to cultivate critical thinking skills and objectivity to make correctjudgment beyond what the media feeds them.

  以上便是GRE考试的关于社会传媒的GRE Issue作文重点题目了,各位考生可以选择GRE写作模板的一些语句来进行总结背诵,做到熟练掌握这个话题,祝大家考试顺利!



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