编辑点评: GRE考试作文一直是众多考生的心头恨,但是如果掌握了一定的分析方法与技巧,其实我们都能碾压GRE。既然如此,那就跟随小编来看看GRE作文的分析方法吧。
Unfortunat ely, the media tend to highlight what is sensationa l at the moment. Society would be better served if the media reported or focused more fully on events and trends that will ultimately have the most long- term significan ce.
The speaker asserts that rather than merely highlighti ng certain sensationa l events the media should provide complete coverage of more important events. While the speaker s assertion has merit from a normative standpoint , in the final analysis I find this assertion indefensib le.
作者运用了让步的手法,先是分析原作为何出此观点的原因,然后再驳斥,提出自己的 正确 观点。我们要特别留意第一句的架构,虽然过分复杂,但是好像ets就是喜欢这种变态句子。
However, for several reasons I find the media s current trend toward highlights and the sensationa l to be justifiabl e. First, the world is becoming an increasing ly eventful place; thus with each passing year it becomes a more onerous task for the media to attempt full news coverage. Second, we are becoming an increasing ly busy society. The average U.S. worker spends nearly 60 hours per week at work now; and in most families both spouses work.
作者从现实需要和事实证明两方面来驳斥原文观点,这一手法不妨借鉴。必须补充的是,作者运用的 First, second 这样的分层次分析使得结构鲜明,表意清晰也是值得学习的。
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