编辑点评: GRE写作中我们需要精确使用一些学术词汇。很多同学临时上场提笔忘字,我们不如提早就对这些词汇有个熟悉。
大纲,摘要--pr cis compendium compendia abstract summary synopsis
扼要,说明--recapitulate summarize outline
民意测验,民意调查--gall-up pollster
仁慈的,温和的,宽大的--lenient benefic beneficent benign benignant clement indulgent merciful mild tolerant
陈旧的--antiquated banal shopworn antique moth-eaten old-fashioned clich dated outmoded hackneyed time-worn threadbare trite immemorial obsolete
使成僵局,僵局--stalemate deadlock
粗略的,大概的,粗糙的--schematic cursory coarse crude rough vulgar churlish husky
吸引人的--intriguing alluring appealing attractive bewitching captivate charming enchanting enticing fascinating interesting inviting tantalizing tempting thrilling winning ingratiating
优势,主权,权势--clout ascendance ascendancy authority preponderance majority
荒谬的,愚蠢的,可笑的--preposterous absurd silly ridiculous senseless nonsensical
合理的--logical national reasonable sound
一致的,相等的,同样的--congruent tantamount commensurate
和睦,一致--concord harmony agreement rapport conformity
分配,给予,分发--allocate allot apportion assign distribute divide
相称的,合适的,应得的--condign becoming fitting proper suitable appropriate
微不足道的--trivial frivolous measly paltry superficial trifling worthless venial
上一篇: GRE写词句分析
下一篇: GRE作文考试弊病与解决方法
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