编辑点评: 本文选自GRE出国考试写作指导:孙远作文笔记下载,是上过课的同学们自己整理而成的,内容很实用,希望对同学们的GRE作文备考有所帮助。
一、Analysis of an Issue 分析要 evidence reasoning ,objective
Take a position and supported 立论,确定立场并支持
Analysis of an argument = critique your argument 批判、批驳
1.articulately express your idea clearly and complicatedly
2.examine claims and company evidence
3.support idea with relevant examples
4.sustain a well focus coherent discussions
5.control the element of standard of English
安排: 1-3讲 argument
4-6讲 Issue
侧重 analytical thinking, 语言次之
1. 掌握分析技巧
2. 掌握开头和结尾的module
3. 准备每道题的提纲
4. 学用一些闪光句型
5. 熟读argument 题目
论述包括: 论点claim
支持support ---- evidence: examples,facts,statistics,authorities
-----reasons: assumptions, values,beliefs
----验证逻辑 critique logic
survey ----quantity , quality 包括 1.分组group 分为几个sub group
2.pecentage of each sub
3.select sample 取样
procedure 有没有sample 或人被排除在外
how large was the sample ?
Are the statistics complete ?
Different: Do the statistics make a difference ? 数据重要么?
1. the assumption that is open to doubt/ unreliable /unfounded / groundless/ unwarranted
2. the arguer commits a fallacy of
3. the arguer fails to establish a causal relationship between A and B
4. the result of the survey lacks credibility and therefore does not lend strong support to the arguer s assumption.
5. the arguer fails to convince us that contribute to / lead to / result in
6. the comparison between A and B is incomplete
7. it is possible / likely that
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