6 、The most effective way to understand contemporary culture is to analyze the trends of its youth.
例如:青少年爱吃 fast food ,反映社会节奏的加快;青少年爱好internet ,反映现代网络文化的发展和globalization,stars in entertainment and sports
3、总结,有多种途径都能在反映当代文化的某一侧面,不能强调哪个是最有效的,如果割裂开来,仅仅看到的是当代文化的一个方面,应当结合起来。只看 youth 只了解他们的文化
6T 个体和整体 问题解答 The most effective way to understand contemporary culture is to analyze the trends of its youth. 6了解当代文化最有效途径是分析其年青人的趋势和潮流。
① 年轻人更容易接受新事物,同时更张扬,会将他们的喜好宣扬出来,更易形成社会潮流。如:Fashion 基本为年轻人引导。
② 年轻人也在传统文化中长大,身上也有传统文化的影子。如: 对于传统价值观的倚赖。
③ 不一定为 the most。还可以观察大众媒体,由于大众媒体追求的是利润,必然 cater to the publics interests.
④ 历史等因素也可影响文化。要深刻理解,还是要追溯历史。如:Thanksgiving Day. 最初的美国人,不适应美国环境,受印第安人帮助生存下来。印第安人送来生活必需品,并教会他们如何在这片土地上耕作。第二年获得大丰收,与印第安人共享佳肴。当时常食用的火鸡今天成为节日特色。
We always regard youth as the future of the society. Although they are young, fresh and immature, they are also shrewd, full of passion and vitality.
Actually, studying the trends of a countrys youth, may help to understand its contemporary culture, since that youth is the pioneer of a country, in this sense, they mirrors the de velopment of the country. Since youth is only a fraction of the society, studying them and their culture just provide us one perspective of the whole culture.
In my view, compare with the youth, those conventions and traditions constitute the foundation of the contemporary culture.
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