第二天 6.19
1. skim the question and write the introduction
2. input the topic sentence. 找出问题所在,一个问题一句话
3. develop the body paragraphs one by one. 逐一展开问题段落,按重要性递
4. conclusion
5. checking
忠实的保留原始信息。 用自己的词保留原始信息。
In this argument / analysis, the arguer concludes / claims that..To
support / justify the conclusion , the arguer points out / provides the evidence
that and that In addition , the arguer reasons that .. This
argument suffers from several critical fallacies / flaws.
三、SURVEY 问题:
1. vague = misleading
2. question: what questions will ask in the survey?
Loaded questions 有误导性的问题
3. Who
4. Average 平均数不适合于每个成员
5. Confusing causal relationship with correlation 混淆因果关系与相关性
Every causal relationship implies a correlation, but the statistical correlation
does not necessarily implies a causal relation.
6. When was the survey conducted?
7. Are respondents being forthright ?
Image men / essence men
1. the arguer over simplifies the issue of
2. the arguer unfairly assumes that
3. the arguer fails take into account other factors that
4. the procedure of the survey might be problematic.