新gre issue开头策略a
例如这个题目:So much is new and complex today that looking backfor an understanding of the past provides little guidance for living in the present.
开头前两句话可以这样写:The English Philosopher Francis Bacon once statedHistories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; naturalphilosophy, deep; moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend. Accordingto Bacon, history comes before all the other knowledge and provides us with abundantwisdom.
新gre issue开头策略b
例如这个题目:There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has aresponsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey andresist unjust laws.
开头前两句话可以这样写:In todays society, the legal system is playing an essential and ultimatelypowerful role in regulating daily activities, maintaining the functions of economyand protecting individuals rights.
开头的第二件事需要restate the issue. 用不同于题目的语言描述问题, 这样的描述体现了你对于问题的理解,也决定了你后文对这个问题的阐述方式。
例如这个题目:Scientists and other researchers should focus theirresearch on areas that are likely to benefit the greatest number of people.
Restate可以是:Scientists and scholars should devote their energy onresearch projects which target at benefiting as many people as possible.
或者更加详细的分析,例如这个题目:How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned howto raise children who can help bring about a better society.
可以写:The speakers statement is actually a dualclaim. First, the future of our society is determined by how todays childrenare socialized. Second, our educational system fails to shape our children intosomeone who can improve various aspects of the society.
例如这个题目:Educations should find out what students want included in thecurriculum and then offer it to them.
观点可以用两句话说明:Although personal interests can serve as motivationfor students to learn better , its unreasonable for educators to incorporate all the different interestsin any curriculum. Moreover, educations should shape the interests of students and helpthem acquire useful techniques and knowledge .
或者这个题目:It is the artist, not the critic, whogives society something of lasting value.
观点可以用一句话说明:Although I admit that the virtue of the artlies in the work itself , we should not overlook critics role in discovering, evaluating,and disseminating the work of artists and how theyhelp popularize the arts value in the society .
1. 新gre issue开头的长度:也许你觉得有很多话可以说,也许你想把开头写得引人入胜,但开头的长度是需要控制的。如果有3个观点段,那么开头大致不应该超过全文的1/5。因为如果你的开头过长,那么会显得头重脚轻,或者显得文中的论述不够充分。
2.新gre issue写开头的训练:写开头是需要训练的,也很容易训练。拿到一个题目,很快的问自己,这个题目关键在哪里,为什么会有这样的问题,我的观点是什么。然后按照前文说的顺序写下来就好了。熟练了以后,可以在5分钟内把开头写好,那么后文时间也能更加宽裕。
新gre issue开头开可以采用一些其他的方法,比如开门见山、欲抑先扬等,具体的方法需要考生多看新gre issue范文,开拓思路,形成自己独特的写作风格。
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