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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  according to, accurate, adapt, adaptability, adaptable, adaptation,

  adequate, admittedly, aggregate, alternative, analogous, analogously, analysis,

  analyze, approach, approximate, arbitrarily, arbitrary, arguably, argue,

  argument, assume, assumption

  balanced, basis, behavior, belief

  cascading,categorize, cause, characteristic, commensurately, compare, comparison,

  compatible, competing, complex, complexity, concede, conceive, conceivably,

  conclude, conclusion, condition, conditional, conditionally, consequence,

  consequently, consider, consideration, consistent, consistently, contrary, in

  contrast, controversy, controversial, converse, conversely, convincing,

  convincingly, corollary, corrective, correspondingly, counteract,

  counterproductive, critical, criticism, criticize, cumulative

  decidedly,deduce, deduction, define, definition, demonstrably, demonstrate, design,

  despite, determination, determine, detrimental, discernible, discover, discuss,

  discussion, disputable, dispute, distinct, distinguish, domain, due to

  eliminate, entail, entity, environment, equally, equivalence, equivalent,

  establish, estimate, evaluate, evaluation, event, evidence, examination,

  examine, except, exception, exhibit, exhibition, exist, existential, experience,

  experiment, explain, explanation, explicit, exponential

  failure, familiar,feasible, footnote

  granted, guarantee

  hence, hypothesis, hypothesize,hypothetical

  idea, identical, illogical, impact, implication, implicit,implies, imply, incompatible., inconsistent, increase, in addition to, in fact,in order to, in particular, in response to, in the guise of, indeed, indicates,indisputable, indisputably, induce, induction, inextricably, infeasible, infer,inform, insight, insightful, instability, instead, intangible, intensify,

  intensified, interpret, interpretation, intractable, investigate,investigation.

  justification, justify


  likelihood, likely,limitation, limited, logical

  magnitude, matched, maximize, maximum, measure,measurement, method, minimize, minimum, mitigate, model, moreover, multiple

  nearly, necessary, negative, negatively, negligible, nevertheless, numerical,

  notable, notwithstanding, novel

  observation, observe, offset, on the other hand,optimum, otherwise, ostensibly, outweigh, overestimate

  paradigm, particular,particularly, parameter, pattern, penultimate, percent, percentage,

  permanently, pertinent, phase, phenomenon, positive, positively, possibility,possible, possibly, potentially, predict, previously, primarily, primary,probability, probable, probably, problem, problematic, process, propensity,proves

  rationale, reason, reasoning, recently, redesign, reduce, redundant,regardless of, relation, relative, relatively, reliability, require,requirement, requires, research, respective, respectively, result, reveal,rigorous, rigorously, riskier

  salient, science, severe, severity,significantly, similarly, simultaneous, since, specific, specifically,specified, specify, speculate, speculative, stable, stability, still, stipulate,

  strengthen, strictly, structure, structured, study, subsequent, subsequently,substantially, success, successive, sufficient, sufficiently, suggest,summarize, suppose, supposition, susceptibility, susceptible, systemic

  tangible, technique, temporarily, theoretical, theories, theory, therefore,

  thus, tractable, tradeoff, traditional, truth

  ultimately, unconditional,undeniably, underestimate, understand, understanding, undoubtedly, unfamiliar,uniformly, unique, unless, unmatched, unquestionably, unstable, unusual

  valid,validate, validity, variance, variation

  weaken, weigh






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