For example,the spiral arrangement of scale-bract complexes on ovule-bearing pine cones,where the female reproductive organs of conifers are located,is important to the production of airflow patterns that spiral over the cones surfaces,thereby passing airborne pollen from one scale to the next.
解释:本句的两大难点中,一是结构复杂,二是专有名词较多。在主语the spiral arrangement之后,出现了长长的定语,其中套了三层修饰,这样读者就难以把主语和谓语联系到一块。另外,句中的大量生词也明显干扰了我们的理解,spiral arrangment、scale-bract complexes、ovule-bearing、pine cones、female reproductive organ、airflow pattern等。其中只有后面的三个单词我们有可能根据常识大概猜出其含义。那么现场阅读时遇到这种东西又该如何处理呢?
可以肯定的是ETS的出题者并没有期望读者都是生物学家或物理学家,而且从众多的出题的情况来看,也根本不可能考到任何必须对专有名词作精确理解的内容。读到这种东西的时候,读者的首要任务是从联系文章出题的角度,读出这句话与文章主题有关的意思,从而理解它在文章中的作用。比如这个句子,读者只要能够读出the arrangement of female reproductive organs of conifers are important to reduce the ollen waste这个意思即可。
意群训练:For example,the spiral arrangement of scale-bract complexes on ovule-bearing pine cones,where the female reproductive organs of conifers are located,is important to the production of airflow patterns that spiral over the cones surfaces,thereby passing airborne pollen from one scale to the next.
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