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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  6. With the conclusion of a burst activity , the lactic acid level is high in the body fluids , leaving the large animal vulnerable to attack until the acid is reconverted , via oxidative metabolism , by the liver into glucose , which is then sent back to the muscles for glycogen resynthesis .


  译文:随着爆发出来的运动的结束,再体液中乳酸含量会变得很高,使得大型动物处于容易受到攻击的状态,直到乳酸通过有氧新陈代谢,被肝脏转化成葡萄糖,而葡萄糖接下来又会传送回肌肉中重新合成糖原 。

  解释:本句中修饰成分极多,以分词修饰和介词结构修饰为主,作各种类型的状语。前面的状语和主句还好理解,从leaving开始句子变难;leaving引导的直到句末的结构来做整个句子的状语;分词中又包含了三个状语,其中的两个via oxidative metabolism by the liver又起到了插入语的作用,把be converted into拆成两段。

  本句的另外一个特征是其中充斥着专有名词。其中的body fluids, oxidative和resynthesis通过字面的意思或者根据词头、词根我们还是应该猜出其意思的,lacticacid, metabolism和muscle这三个词在生物类文章中极其常用,大家应该背下来;而glycogen这种东西则没办法,只能作一个首字母提炼。但是请记住,GRE和GMAT文章中只要出现了这种专有名词,出题者是一定会在文章中把它在文章中所乃至的词义解释清楚的,所以读者遇到文章中做了解释的专有名词,应该力求把解释看懂。

  意群训练:With the conclusion of a burst activity , the lactic acid level is high in the body fluids , leaving the large animal vulnerable to attack until the acid is reconverted , via oxidative metabolism , by the liver into glucose , which is then sent back to the muscles for glycogen resynthesis .

  7. Although Gutman admits that forced separation by sale was frequent,he shows that the slaves preference,revealed most clearly on plantations where sale was infrequent,was very much for stable monogamy.



  解释:本句中插入语的使用revealed most clearly on plantations where sale wainfrequent, 后半个分句中的主语that slaves preference与系动词was离得太远,造成阅读的困难。

  意群训练:Although Gutman admits that forced separation by sale was frequent,he shows that the slaves preference,revealed most clearly on plantations where sale was infrequent,was very much for stable monogamy.

  8. Gutman argues convincingly that the stability of the Black family encouraged the transmission of-and so was crucial in sustaining-the Blackheritage of folklore,music,and religious expression from one generation to another,a heritage that slaves were continually fashioning out of their African and American experiences.



  解释:由that引导的宾语从句中,encouraged的宾语the transmission of the Black heritage被同时表示并列和转折的and so 分开,给读者造成了阅读上和理解上的困难。

  最后一个逗号后面的部分是修饰前面的black heritage的同位语。

  意群训练:Gutman argues convincingly that the stability of the Black family encouraged the transmission of-and so was crucial in sustaining-the Black heritage of folklore,music,and religious expression from one generation to another,a heritage that slaves were continually fashioning out of their African and American experiences.



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